4 years later

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I ran around the corner and into the bathroom to puke. After I was done I sat there thinking about what in the world could make me throw up! As I was thinking only one thing kept popping into my mind. I couldn't. I mean yes me and Maxon have but we were safe all those times. I looked into the mirror infront of me. Then I moved side ways and saw I was a little bigger than a few days ago. Oh my god! Could I be pregnant?

" Marlee? I need you to do something to me." I said to her over the phone that Maxon had got me.


2 Hours later I was in the bathroom looking at the test infront of me. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to the bed to sit. Marlee was also sitting on the bed with me.

" Do you really think you are pregnant?" She finale asked.

" I mean I could... But I am not sure."

The timer that Marlee put on for three min's went off. I grabbed the test of the table. I waas about to look down when I looked at Marlee. She was looking at me with exciment on her face. She looked into my eyes and knew what I was asking her. ( Can you look at it?) I asked with me eyes. She could tell I was scared. She got up from the bed and took the test out of my hand. She than turned around and I saw her head look down at the test.

" Oh America..." She said.

" What does it say?" I asked scared.

She than turned around and had this big grin on her face.

" I am so happy for you!" She said as she came over to hug me. I grabbed the test from her hand and looked down. I think I started to cry because Marlee grabbed a little cloth towelet from the bathroom. I took it from her and started to take away the tears from my face.

" I am having a baby!"

" Oh Maxon will be so happy!" She said.

" Oh my god Maxon! I forgot that I need to tell him. But how could I top what I did last time? Don't tell him Marlee! I need to find a way to tell him. Oh thanksgiving is coming up! I could throw a party and invite my family and his aunt and her kids. Oh and of course you and your family! Lucy and Aspen can come too!"

By the time I had said all this I could tell Marlee was going to help me set this up. She had her thinking face on. I took her hand and took her out of the room down to the woman's room so we could plan. We spent the rest of the day making plans.


It is thanksgiving day and I am wearing a purple evening gown with white lace over it. My hair in ringlets falling down my back. I put on my crown and walked down to the dinning room. I was so scared to tell everyone that we would be adding yet another person to the family. I kept going over what I was going to tell them My head was spinning with diffrenet ways to tell them. Maxon kept asking me if I felt okay throught out the week. I told him I was fine I just think I was coming down with something. He didn't press when I told him I think its that time of the month. He just said he hopes I feel better soon and never said a thing about it again. I walked into the dinning hall to find May, Marlee, and Lucy. I guess not everyone is here yet.

" Hello girls. How is everyone?" I asked as May came up to hug me.

" I am good. Are you okay? You are using your Queen talk. Oh and mom said dhe is going to try to make it later. She got caught up in something." Said May.

I looked at her and just smiled at her.

" Oh I guess its just hard to turn off after a day of using my " Queen Talk." I hope mom will get here soon."  I said to May. I walked over to my seat and sat down. I looked over at Marlee who was just beaming with joy. I looked at Lucy who was looking a little sad. I was just about to say something when Aspen, Carter, and Maxon walked into the room. Aspen walked over to Lucy and gave her a kiss on her head. As did Carter and Maxon.

" Hello my dear. " he said into my ear.

" Hello honey." I said to him as he sat down next to me. Right as he was sitting down my mom came into the room.

" Maxon where are the kids?" I looked over to where Kile, Eadlyn, and Ahren would sit.

" They are coming..." He said with a smile on his face.

He looked over to Carter and he smiled at Maxon. I could tell they were up to no good. It was a few mins before the kids came in. They were so cute! Like was in a pilgrim outfit, Eadlyn was in a Native American outfit and Ahren was also a pilgrim too! I felt like I was about to cry! Oh god need to look away! I can't cry here.The maids that were with them put them in their chairs. I looked over at Maxon and than Carter.

" You were up to this! That's why it took you so long to get down here! It doesn't matter tho. All my family is here and that's what counts." I said to the room.
Three hours later all the food is gone and everyone is just talking. It's time for my big announcement! I tap my glass with my fork all lady like and say...

" If everyone can quite down I have to tell you all something. I found out one week ago... Um how do I say this? Well I will just come out and say it... I am having a baby!" For a moment know one said anything. Marlee was the first to jump up and hug me. Of course it was for show but she was smiling just as big as the day I found out and she was there. After she went back down to sit everyone had a big grin on their face and were saying congrats to me and Maxon. But Maxon was just sitting there staring down at the floor. I sat back down and grabbed his hand.

" Maxon?" I said to him. I would be lieing if I said I wasn't scared to hear what he would say.

" So another kid huh? I didn't think it could happen but it did... I love you even more now!" He said with the biggest grin on his face. His grin was bigger than Marlee's one when she found out! He took me in his arms and hugged me not to hard tho. This was all I could ask for. I never thought a girl and five for the matter could ever love the prince a one! But it happened in our little world.
Hey guys!! I hope you liked the chapter! I am sorry I haven't been updating!!! I have had a little t on my plate with school and other stuff. Plus on top of that I had writers block for a little. But I am still here promise!! I will put another chapter up soon!! Hope you liked this one!!! Oh read Dollhouse!!! Ok bye!! Oh P.S. Happy thanksgiving!!

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