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No. I was not imagining. The world was spinning, very was not my head. How I managed to walk was a mystery to me. There was water everywhere, it was not my eyes creating a mirage.

My breathing was tense but I felt my heart was not with me. I touched my chest to feel its beat but the shiver of my hand camouflaged it. My very own body seemed too heavy for me to drag along, I felt as though a heavy object was tied to me to pull.

After my journey of failed relationships, I thought I was close to home. Before, there was a wall around me which he was able to break through. I took time to build the relationship--he broke it down, just like that.

When my house started to come in view, I felt like I was in a race where I almost got to the finish line...the finish hard part. I got to the door and turned to leave.

This was not the right place to be at the moment. This place is just called is not my home.

"Hey," A male voice came from behind me. My ears were too busy thumping to recognise who it belonged to. "Selina, wait."

I ignored whoever was calling and quickened my steps when I heard footsteps hurrying behind me. I started trotting and just then, the person caught up with me. His grip on my elbow was a strong one so I couldn't free myself. He slowly turned me to face him and my eyes were only on his boots.

He held my upper arms and gave me a slight squeeze. "Selina, look at me."

I refused to raise my head to meet his gaze so after waiting for a few seconds, he raised my head up pushing my chin.

The embarrassed I felt when I thought someone had seen me like this became even more when I found out who it was.


For a moment, he looked at my face with pitty and then pulled me into a hug. More tears streamed down my face as I sobbed into his shirt.

"Everything's gonna be'd see. Tamale isn't a bad place and Sagnarigu isn't either." He soothed me by slowly running his palm down my hair.
He didn't ask me why--he just assumed I was going through my bad travel experience--I didn't feel like telling him, I just enjoyed his kindness while I could. When my sobbing subsided, he pulled away and looked at my face. I looked down, away from him.

"Selina, everything is going to be fine." He assured me. "You are gonna be fine, okay?"

I fought the urge to shake my head and to just spill my guts at him over what has happened--what was really going on. I nodded and mumbled a "thanks" to him.

"Sir?" A voice interrupted us.

"Yes?" James seemed to have recognised the voice. He turned away and half of his body blocked my view.

"Mr. Johnson said he's now gotten it." The voice started to sound familiar the calmer I got.

"So I shouldn't bring mine anymore?" James asked.



Their conversation was coming to an end and I didn't want him to see me like that. I turned my back at them and quickly wiped my face with the sleeves of my pullover. I barely put on some makeup so my face wasn't so much of a mess.

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