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Elsie was about to walk home from her part-time job as the assistant of an art teacher. A recent high school graduate, Elsie couldn’t wait to get home where her best friend, Matilda waited for her to return. It was Elsie’s 19th birthday and they were going to go out and celebrate.

As she exited the small school, Elsie looked down at her watch: 4:30, it read. She realized how much longer she stayed than usual cleaning up after the little children. Elsie knew that traffic would be congesting the streets of London, so she decided to walk. Besides, she thought, she’d rather walk alone with her thoughts.

After a few blocks, she was nearing the flat she shared with Tilda. Knowing Tilda, Elsie walked slower to give Tilda and her boyfriend…privacy. They’ve been together for 3 years now, and don’t plan on separating anytime soon. Elsie was happy for her best friend, and she hoped she’d find someone and have a relationship like theirs. She’d never been in a relationship; therefore, never been kissed-- quite the drama for someone who's already 19. Tilda’s attempts of setting her up have always failed because Elsie never liked the idea of blind dates anyway.

Wishful thinking was all Elsie has ever known ever since her parents died in a car accident when she was 10. Though she looked and seemed happy, Elsie has always blamed herself for her parents’ death.

If they hadn’t had gone to the store for my birthday cake, they wouldn’t be dead, she thought. Elsie shed a few tears whilst walking the last few blocks. She wiped her cheeks with her hand but more tears fell.

As the tears came she gave up on wiping them off, and anyway, she was walking down an alleyway so it didn’t matter, as people wouldn’t be looking at her. Elsie was the self-conscious type as others would see her, but she was just the quiet type—one who wouldn’t like to draw attention to herself. That was slowly changing though by keeping Tilda around, who was the complete opposite of her.

Elsie’s tears began to dry out by the time she was at the end of the long alleyway, what happened next was seen by no one.

A/N: This is copy is temporarily up until I figure out what Wattpad has done to my first upload. I had a more sincere A/N on that one.... It went something like this: "I realize that this is my 5th NS fanfiction....I'm starting to think this "obsession" is getting out of control, but hey, the boy is attractive, and so are the rest of The Wanted boys. FYI this is a vampire fanfic! I used to be one of the Twi-Hards, and I thought I should go back to my fangirling roots (#honestyhour, haha). I also realized that I now have 5 uncompleted stories....I think I just screwed myself, but this story has been itching to be written, so yeah.... Stay tuned. xx :)"   Yup. That's exactly how it went. ;)

Edited December 27, 2013

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