Age 8: Escape From the Bandit Hideout

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A/N: Okay guys I don't really do many A/N's in this story but I would like to let you know what I have a new book based on this one. It's a one shot/ Lemon book. All my OC's from this story will be used. Please cheek it out. THANKS!

Age 8: Escape From the Bandit Hideout


Asuka raised her head from the hard surface she lay on. Was she still outside? “Huh?”

“Good,” she heard, followed by the noise of someone shuffling over to her, a few grunts of pain mixed in there as well. “You’re awake.”

“Kyo?” Asuka said, sitting up quickly. Her head suddenly felt eleven times heavier; she wished she took more time to get up. “What happened?” she asked, pretty sure the dull throbbing deep in her skull meant a bump.

“We were captured,” Kyo said. “Now we’re here.”

But where is here, Asuka thought, scanning around the dark area that had high, brick walls from what she could make out, and an iron door with a small window for viewing. Just as she worked out the fact that they were in a prison cell, a door slammed open and she jumped to her feet.

“And remember who’s boss,” someone with a gruff, deep accent commanded, tossing—to her surprise—Jun into the room. Jun landed with an “Oof!” and tried to move to sit up when the person from before—Asuka assumed him a bandit who’d been bullying Jun—entered the room and kicked him in the side, causing Jun to jump with the hit and growl. “Stay down, beast.”

Instead of spitting some vehement swear, like Asuka hoped, instead Jun roared at him, gnashing his teeth and flailing around on the dirty ground, trying to get out of his bonds.

Asuka panicked. What had they done to him? Either way, she couldn’t let Jun lose it. She promised Junta. She promised.

“Stop it!” Asuka shouted, running at the man. Her hands were tied behind her back, but she still had legs. The guy turned to her, looking at her with bright yellow eyes that seemed to glow, even in the darkness. Asuka swerved out the way of his backhand slap, then jumped into the air, aiming her knee at his head. The guy grabbed her by her ankle, swung her around and tossed her to the floor.

Jun shot up in that moment. “Imoto!” Jun roared again.

“Jun! Cut it out!” Kyo shouted, but Jun simply roared over him.

Asuka coughed as her headache made it harder to get up quickly. A foot crashed into her gut, all the air left to her whooshing out. She coughed as she curled on the floor, eyes watering in the corners.

“Asuka!” Kyo shouted from where he was in the distance.

Her stomach seared with pain, but Asuka would not cry. She glowered up at the man that kicked her, and he looked down at her with a sneer.

“You’re a bunch of feisty shits, aren’t cha? No wonder half our forces went down.”

“Suck a fat cock, you dickhead!” Asuka spat at him. “I’ll get everyone out of here, if it’s the last thing I do—”

The guy stomped on her head to silence her. “Shut up. Do you really think you can escape a hideout with a bunch of bandits in it? Nah, didn’t think so.” The guy started to grind her head into the floor. She clenched her teeth; she would not give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry out.

“Imoto!” Jun shouted out. “Get off her!”

Asuka gasped. Jun sounded dangerous. She remembered the time in the Frozen Forest. “No Jun! Don’t!”

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