Age 7 (and a half): The Frozen Forest

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Age 7 (and a half): The Frozen Forest

Hopping through the trees in the frozen forest, where the second part of the exam was being held, team three kept close to one another. Asuka pulled her short light green scarf tighter around her neck as they came to a stop at a clearing.

Jun pulled his cloak tighter around him as Kyo blew into his hands to keep them warm. He forgot his gloves. Asuka looked at Kyo and furrowed her eyebrows.

“Kyo did you forget gloves?” she asked. Kyo nodded, blowing into his hands again. “Give me a sec.”

Asuka rummaged through her pouch for a few minutes before pulling out some dark blue gloves with metal plate on the backs of them. She threw them to Kyo with a smile.

“Dad told me to take them as spares,” Asuka said.

Kyo nodded and pulled them on. “Thanks so much.”

Asuka nodded, then looked at the both of them. “Anyone know any fire Jutsu?”

Kyo nodded. “I do, don’t worry.”

Asuka smiled. “Just wanted the cheek. I know how to make fire from scratch, but a Jutsu would be faster,” she said.

Jun grinned. “So what’s the plan?”

Asuka shrugged. “We should come up with one together.”

Jun frowned. “You could’ve just said you had no fucking idea,” he said. Asuka laughed nervously, scratching the back of her head.

They all thought about it for a few minute before Kyo spoke up. “Well we have an H scroll, so we need an E scroll. Maybe if we should set up a camp and some traps for the first night?”

Jun nodded. “Yeah then maybe the second day and night we go out and look for people with scrolls. Even if we collect more than we need it will stop less people passing.”

Asuka smiled with a soft nod. “I think we should jump from each of the plans for the rest of the days as well. One night will be rest and traps, the next hunting and so on.”

“It’s settled then.” Jun said, placing his hand out. Asuka grinned, placing hers on top, then Kyo placed his on top of hers.

“Team Three!” They chanted, raising their hands into the air, grins on their faces.

Jun helped Kyo gather firewood and watched as Kyo used a small fireball to start the fire before they began to add more wood to keep it burning.

“That’s nifty, Kyo,” Jun said. “Where’d you learn that?”

Kyo shrugged. “I just mess around with fire jutsu a lot.”

Jun snorted. “Pyro in the making over here.”

Kyo shoved him lightly. “Shut up.”

In the meantime, Asuka sat on the snow, mapping out trap ideas that she had read in some of her ninja books. By this time, Kyo had already set up some really basic ones, but the team wasn’t confident that those traps would keep anyone at bay.

After some time, Jun came over and sat down next to the shivering Asuka as she worked on the 5th trap idea. Jun threw his arm around her shoulder in an attempt to keep her warm.

Jun looked over the ideas then smiled at Asuka. “Go sit by the fire in a minute and warm up again. Then come back and finish okay?”

Asuka shook her head. “We wait too long and we’ll get ambushed. Teams will get passed the traps we have up.”

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