Age 7 (and a half): Finale

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Age 7 (and a half): Finale

The month of training before the finale had be hard training. Asuka was determined to build up her Jutsu knowledge and her stamina. She couldn’t let a kick to the stomach take her down like that ever again.

She worked on taijutsu with Gai-san and Lee-san to build up her fitness and stamina. She worked on Water Jutsu with Kakashi. She built up the power for the Jutsu she already knew and learned a few new ones. With Asuma and Gen-sensei, she worked on other Jutsu. Bubbles seemed to pop up a lot.

At first it seemed to have shocked both Asuma and Gen. It sure scared Asuma.  Asuka had been training by herself and she was working on making the bubbles, but she still didn’t know what they did.

When she sent them flying across the garden and they had popped against the wall Asuka had realized, and so had people within a mile of the house. The bubbles exploded and sent Asuka flying back, her back smacking into the wall on the other side of the large garden.

Asuma came running out and over to Asuka. “What the hell was that?” he asked.

Asuka breathed a little and smiled at Asuma. She was covered in black char patches and her hair was a mess, bits of wood and plant in it. “My bubble exploded,” she said like it was nothing.

The face Asuma made was just the funniest thing Asuka had ever seen and just couldn’t help herself but laugh.

During the month, Jun worked on keeping in control. He refused to snap like he did in the Frozen Forest. He can’t lose it like that in the finale, and Jun knew that. Asuka and Kyo wouldn’t be there to stop him if he snapped. He might kill his opponent, or worse: kill himself.

Kyo trained with his fire jutsus and mastering his Kekkei Genkai, which required hours of meditation and centering himself. When he wasn’t perfecting his family’s Kekkei Genkai, he worked on taijutsu and his aim. He worked on game plans and how to analyze the fight within a short time and work out how to beat the opponent.  Kyo worked on perfecting what he already knew, as to not make mistakes as he did in the Frozen Forest.

And now, Kyo, Jun, and Asuka  watched the first fight take action. And the fight wasn’t going too well for the poor Rain ninja. Asuka slapped a hand over her mouth, muffling the gasp as the Mist ninja ripped the Rain ninja’s left arm from his body. The Rain ninja cried out falling to his knees before passing out.

Mist Ninja…were brutal.

Asuka stumbled back a little before smacking into someone. She jumped as they clamped a hand down on her shoulder. She turned and looked up at a tall Sand ninja behind her.

The Sand ninja smirked down at Asuka as she removed her hand from her mouth. “Scared little girl?” He asked, placing a hand on Asuka’s head. “That could be you next.” Asuka glared at him as she smacked his hand away.

“Or that could be you next.” Asuka said. Jun and Kyo looked this way. Asuka flickered her gaze at Jun. He looked dangerous, but in control of himself.

The Sand ninja stepped closer and Asuka back up a little, until her back hit a wall. She stared up at the tall boy as he stood inches from her.

“You should give up kid.” He said, leaning his head down to her level, his bangs mixed with Asuka’s as she felt the very tip of his nose on hers. “You might die, and you’re so young.” He whispered.

Asuka swallowed hard, her eyes wandering around in his. Looking to find something but not knowing what. “R-rather die trying.”

The sand ninja looked rather angry now but didn’t move away from her. He slammed his fist into the wall next to Asuka’s head.

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