Age 7: D-rank

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The training yesterday took its toll on the whole team. All three of them dreaded what was going to happen on the D-rank missions they had to do today.

Though Asuka was nervous, she was also kind of excited. She knew that D-ranks were nothing fun or interesting. She knew they were more like chores, but she still didn’t mind. The more they do, the sooner they get to go on harder missions.

Asuka sighed as she approached the meeting point. Leaning her back on the wall she waited for the rest of her team to come. She was the first one there. Not something she planned on doing, just something that happened.

Stopping, Asuka leaned on the wall as Jun appeared from down the street. If Asuka’s eyes weren’t playing tricks on her, Jun looked like he’d been up all night.

He waved happily and ran towards her. “Hey Asuka!”

Smiling brightly Asuka waved back at Jun. “Hey.” As Jun came to a stop, Asuka clapped her hand against his in a high five before he could ask. He grinned back at her.

After some time Kyo headed towards them, hands in his pockets and face set into a frown. Both Jun and Asuka looked away from him.

“What’s with that?” Kyo grumbled.

Jun shivered and rubbed his arms. “Ugh, I thought looking away from you would make this shitty feeling go away,” Jun said. “I still feel like we’re tied together—Damn I even scrubbed fucking twice.”

Kyo leaned his back against the wall, a distance away from the two of them. “Well fuck you, too.”

“Hey guys,” Gen-sensei said, waving at his students as he arrived. He had a scroll in his hand, which was full of D-rank missions.

Asuka looked up to their sensei with a smile. “What’s the first mission?”

Gen-sensei stopped walking and turned to the team. He raised a finger into the air with a smile. “We’ll get to that. But first, I have one condition for you all.” All three of them nodded so he went on. “You work together like in training to get each mission done. If you don’t, you don’t get paid.”

Jun’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened. “You’ve got to be joking.” He pointed at Kyo. “You have to stop making me work with him.”

Gen-sensei sighed, looking between Jun and Kyo. “Jun he’s on your team now. You’ll have to get on with him. Now come on you did it in training, only just, you have to do it here too.”

Asuka nodded with a smile on her face. “Look sensei, as much as they act like they don’t know that this is important, they do really. They’re pretty damn smart. They just love to hate. They’ll work together if their ninja lifestyle is on the line.”

“I know.” Gen said, nodding. “Now for your first mission, team. You have to rescue a dog that got stuck in a tree.”

Asuka, Kyo, and Jun looked up at the dog that was in the tree. It was a scruffy little thing with big brown eyes that trembled at the thought of falling out the tree. With a nod Kyo and Asuka began to coax it down.

Jun on the other hand, was irritated with this whole mission. “How the FUCK did a dog get in a GODDAMN tree?” Jun yelled staring at the dog. He was quite possibly part of the reason why it wasn’t down yet.

Asuka ignored him and continued to work at getting the dog out the tree. “Come on, good doggy, we’ll catch you. Come on we have food.” Asuka pulled some roast chicken from her pouch. She got some from a shop on their way here.

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