Age 8: Surprises!

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Age 8: Surprises! 

Today was February 6th and that meant one thing: Asuka was turning eight today.

Not that Asuka told Kyo and Jun that. But Asuka was unaware that Asuma, her dear father had told her two teammates and her sensei that today was indeed her 8th birthday. Not only that, but Asuma had told everyone Asuka was close to as well.

In all truth Asuka was never bothered by her birthday that much. Yeah she was happy to know she was older and everything, but in care you never get that much for your birthday. Money was always a problem within a care home. But nonetheless Asuka never cared too much.

Kyo smiled as he wrapped his present up for Asuka, adding a neon green bow and a gold tag to the red wrapping paper before placing the birthday card on top. He headed back into his bedroom to get dressed for the surprise birthday party Jun, Asuma, and he were holding for her.

He was excited about the party, he hopped Asuka would like it. He felt bad that Gen-sensei couldn’t make it, but was glad that he pitched in when he spotted Jun and Kyo shopping for her presents last week.

Thinking of the presents, Kyo scrunched up his face.

“I hope Jun didn’t fuck up the other present,” Kyo said as he pulled his mauve shirt on. “Or bring any surprise gifts.”

Little did he know, Kyo was worried about the wrong gift.

“Dammit Mizukana!” Jun shouted, chasing the little girl around the living room. The midget was fast for her age and had hops, jumping over couches and tables and chairs, but that didn’t mean she had the right to use those traits against him.

She bounced on the couch, looking at Jun as he slid to a stop in front of it.  “You gotta catch me!” she sang, bouncing higher and higher on the couch.

Jun leapt for her and Mizukana twirled out of the way, shrieking giggles. Jun slammed into the wall.

Grumbling swears and pushing off the wall, Jun said, “You little shit!” and ran after Mizukana again, her shrieking giggles. She streamed the blue wrapping paper that Jun needed to wrap Asuka’s present with, remaining elusive to his grasp.

It was time to bargain. “Mizukana I need to wrap Asuka’s birthday present. You can help if you give me the goddamn wrapping paper,” Jun said, stopping and placing his hands on his hips.

“OKAY!” Mizukana shouted, running up to Jun and giggling. With a smile they both wrapped the present up. As Jun allowed his sister to do much of the wrapping for it—she’d gotten into the tape—there was most likely more tape on it than wrapping paper. Jun smiled, knowing Asuka would love it no matter how badly wrapped it was, or how hard it was to get into it.

Dai, Koji, Tama, and the rest of the care kids walked with Eita, leading them towards the village for Asuka’s birthday party. Dai entwined her fingers with Koji’s as they fell from the group and walked the long way around. Eita had given them permission to walk on their own to the party after Dai begged him for so long.

Dai smiled brightly as they passed a training ground and found Asuka training with one of the ninja that used to bring Asuka’s back whenever she ran off. Shikamaru, if Dai remembered correctly.

Dai pulled Koji to a stop and crouched behind the wall. “Look,” she said, popping her head over the edge of the wall along with Koji.

“She looks so happy.” Koji said, holding Dai’s hand tighter.

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