Age 6: Ninja

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Asuka sat on her bed, legs crossed and music blasting out as she drew a picture. The music brought her peace. She may not be that old, but she most definitely acts older than she is.

Someone knocked on the door and Asuka turned the music off. “Asuka come down stairs a minute please.” Eita said.

“Coming.” Asuka placed the drawing down and got off the bed. She pulled her ninja sandals on and headed out the room. She ran down the large staircase and headed into Eita’s office.

When Asuka came to a stop just inside the door she looked up. In the seat across from Eita sat Asuma-sensei. Since the incident a year ago, any time Asuka ran away they sent a different team. They began to send high level ninja because, well, Asuka was smart for her age and fast.

Asuka quickly bowed to Asuma then looked up at Eita. “What is it?”

Eita smiled widely at her. “Asuma-san has now officially adopted you. All that’s needed for you to go home with him today is that you say yes.” He beamed brighter and looked back at Asuma. “Right?”

“That’s right,” Asuma said with a smile. “Come live with me, Asuka.”

Asuka looked Asuma dead in the eyes. “Tell me one thing.”

Asuma nodded. “What is it?”

She smiled lightly at Asuma. “That I can become a ninja.”

Asuma looked to Eita then to Asuka again. He sighed and stayed quiet for some time.

Asuka frowned and moved closer to Asuma. “Please Asuma please? This has been my dream for as long as I remember. Eita said it was fine. If a family adopts me and they allow me to be a ninja, then I can. Please Asuma please.”

Asuma opened his mouth to say something but the door burst open. Dai burst into the room and took Asuma by the collar, pulling him out of his seat. She stood tall. She was rather tall for her age being 16 and taller than Asuma was.

“You bloody well better let her be a ninja.” Dai hissed as she pulled Asuma close to her face.

Tomorrow's Another Day (Naruto Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang