Age 7: Genin

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  • Dedicated to Everyone reading this story!

The events of the past year had been like a dream. Asuka’s life for the past year revolved around training, eating, and sleeping. Within the first three weeks of Academy Asuka had made it to the top of her class.

Asuka got that way by the help and motivation of the adults around her. She trained every day after school with her sensei until Asuma came to pick her up. Once they headed home Asuma would make dinner, they would eat together, then Asuma and Asuka would do some more training. On some weekends when he wasn’t busy Kakashi came over to Asuma’s place and did some training with Asuka, and with all this guidance, assistance, and training, training, training, Asuka’s skills have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Today was the graduation exam, and Asuka was up and ready rather early. She had finished her morning routine by brushing her hair and looking at herself in the mirror.

“I wonder if I’ll pass,” she thought. She wondered what the graduation exam was in general. How did ninja graduate into genin?

Asuma entered the bathroom to check on her. “Ready to go?” he asked.

Asuka turned around and hugged him. “Do you think I’ll pass?”

Asuma hugged her around her waist with a smile. “I know it.”

Asuka was big enough to walk to school on her own now, so she walked down the road towards the Academy. She grinned widely when she sore her friend walking towards the academy.

“Rei,” she called, picking up her pace. The girl stopped and turned around as Asuka called her again. “Rei, wait up.”

Rei smiled at Asuka, pulling a piece of light blue hair behind her ear. “Come on Asuka, we don’t want to be late,” she said, holding out her arm to the smaller girl.

Asuka skidded to a stop beside Rei with a smile as she linked arms with her. “I know, I know.”

As they began walking again, Rei asked Asuka, “Do you think you’ll pass?”

Asuka shrugged a little. “Dunno. Hope so. What about you?”

The 12 year old smiled. “I think you’ll pass. Me well I hope so. My dad thinks I will.”

Asuka nudged Rei with her elbow. “’Course you will, your third top in the class.” The second spot belonged to Kyo and the fourth spot: Jun.

Rei grinned widely. “I so hope I’m on your team.”

Asuka and Rei began to run towards the academy, arm in arm and grins on their faces. “Same here. I don’t mind who’s on my team as long as it’s not Mr. Popular.”

Rei grunted in agreement. “Kyo’s not even good looking.”

Asuka nodded “I know right.”

The two girls walked into the classroom laughing and talking. As they headed through the door the class was silent. Looking up at the class Rei and Asuka blinked a few time. Everyone was looking at two boys standing in the middle of the classroom.

There was one boy with fiery orange hair and bright green eyes. He stared coolly across the small distance between him and a boy with short, spiky black hair and matching black eyes. The black haired boy had the orange one by his mauve scarf, while the orange had his hands shoved deep into his pockets, as if trying not to remove his hands and punch the kid holding him right then.

“Kyo and Jun are at it again,” one of the students informed Rei and Asuka. “Kyo called Jun a momma’s boy.”

Rei groaned. “This again?”

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