Age 8: Bandits

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Age 8: Bandits

Asuka had a bad feeling about today. She had no idea what it was but she knew something bad was going to arise. She hoped it was something they could deal with easy.

It might just be due to the fact she had that nightmare again for the first time in so long. But Asuka was on guard, ready for anything that might happen. She didn’t want her team hurt, not at all and they had to get their client back safe and sound, no matter how much Asuka disliked the man.

Asuka watched her team from behind. Kyo and Jun walked side by side talking about something. Gen and Saburo were just behind them, talking about some adult stuff that Asuka didn’t care about.

Everyone seemed so happy with smiles on all of their faces. Asuka, on the other side, she just couldn’t lift her frown, no matter how much Kyo tried making her laugh by picking on Jun, or how many jokes Jun made. Not even Gen-sensei’s best joke made Asuka smile at all. It had the rest of them in stitches.

A chakra signature sparked and everyone stopped dead in a split second. All but Saburo, who stopped when he saw the rest had. Even Jun had sensed the chakra, and that was by the scent of it.

“I had a bad feeling all day,” Asuka muttered. “That chakra is strong.”

Jun nodded, eyes scanning around and nose sniffing the air. “The fuckers have some chakra on them.” Jun said.

Kyo nodded looking along the line of bushes to see if he could see anything. “I can’t pinpoint it.” Kyo said. “Asuka you have the keenest chakra sense. Can you pinpoint it?”

Asuka scanned everywhere; it sure was a hard one this one. “N….”  Asuka was cut off by a kunai coming straight at her. She caught it just in time to see the bunch flying her way. She dropped the kunai to the floor as she dove to the floor as well.

The sound of metal hopping metal made Asuka sigh. She knew someone stopped them before they hit someone, as they had all turned back to back to make a circle.

Asuka got back to her feet, pulled her sword off her back and blocked the next wave of kunai knives that came at them. “How many are there Asuka?” Gen-sensei asked.

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