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Hey guys, so i got the prologue, and the first chapter of the new book done, buuuuut i don't have a cover. I don't think i'm gonna post the book until TheZoeyBoyd makes the cover for me. Sooo just for a little fun and to get her back for not answering me i need you guys to do me a favor.

Go and blow up her wattpad page. Post messages on her board, Pm her multiple times and we'll see what happens. XD. I know she's gonna hate me but hey, if i get my cover you guys get your book.

But if you do blow up her page, do it in moderation. You can message her at most 5x. No more then that, but since there's kinda a lot of you this'll be hilarious. Also still be nice about it. Ugh you guys get it. I'll blow her page up too just for the fun of it.

But since she's my friend i must also tell you, don't blow up comments on her book. Just leave her book alone unless you wanna read it. She worked kinda hard on it. Now go nuts, when and IF you do it, just comment back on here when you're done and i'll give you a virtual hug. XD

Not much but it's literally all i can give, that and the new book XD. Now go crazy, i love you guys, bye byeeeeeeee <3

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