Chapter 18

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Shane's pov

After joey turned the corner out of my vision i slammed my fist into the locker next to me. I'm going to regret that so much later but i honestly don't care.

Shane: I need to go after him.

I went to start running but sawyer grabbed my arm and yanked me back to face him.

Sawyer: Shane, calm down.

Shane: Joey just broke up with me.....HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPOSSED TO STAY CALM??

Sawyer: Because you have me, remember?

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He pressed our foreheads together and i gently placed my hands on his chest trying to push him away.

Shane: I-I can't do this sawyer.

he let go of me and lightly hit his head on the locker out of pure frustration.

Sawyer: Shane, if you haven't realized, you've cheated on joey TWICE, and he's found out TWICE. Also i'm pretty sure that it was YOU who wanted to try and make us work.

Shane: I know, i know, it's just complicated.

Sawyer: Shane...joey can't trust have to let him go.

I put my head down and closed my eyes trying to push back the tears that so badly wanted to fall out of my eyes. I'm just so full of emotions that i haven't let out.

Sawyer: Come here.

He pulled me into a hug and i let the steaming tears fall. I let out a small whimper, and my body just let out my sadness.

Daniel's pov

I was walking to the bathroom and i just pushed the door open when i heard soft whimpers coming from one of the stalls. I walked past each one until i sportted a pair of red sperries and a body sitting on the ground...joey.

Daniel: Hey, open up joey, it's me daniel.

The whimpers stopped and i sighed placing my hands firmly onto my hips.

Daniel: Joey open up, i can see your shoes.

I heard shuffles across the tile floor and the lock clicked. Slowly i pushed open the door and joey sat there, back pressed up against the wall and his cheeks were bright red. His eyes were bloodshot along with a runny nose.

Daniel: Aww, joey come here.

He scurried off the floor into my arms and i sunk to my knees as he let out his tears. Joey is a very emotional person and i find that adorable. He clutched onto my shirt and i held him tighter.

Daniel: Shh, it's alright don't worry i'm here. What happened sweetie?

Joey: S-Shane cheated on....Joey....again.

Daniel: I'm so sorry, you don't deserve this to happen to you.

I kissed his forehead and i decided that it would be mean to make a move on him. He dosen't need anymore stress in his life at the moment.

Daniel: Do you want me to take you home?

He nodded and i helped him up placing him on the sink.

Daniel: Let's get those tears.

I wiped his face and nose with a papertowel and he smiled when i messed his hair. He can just be so cute sometimes. We walked out of the bathroom and we walked out to my car. I don't really care that we're missing school, joey is hurting.

We walked out to my car and i let him inside as we quickly drove back to his house. I pulled into his driver and i ran around to his side of the door letting him out. To my surprise he pulled me into a hug and i didn't hesitate to hug back.

Joey: T-thank you...Daniel.

Daniel: Don't mention it joey, just get some rest ok?

He nodded and kissed my cheek, and don't freak out, joey does that to everyone. He walked inside his house and i drove back to school. Shane is going to get a fucking earful when i see him.

Joey's pov

I walked into the house to see mommy and that other lady sitting on the couch. I pouted and tried not to cry but i failed.

Mom: Joey, sweetie why are you home?

Joey: S-shane, cheated....again.

Deborah: Come here honey.

Both of them opened their arms and i ran to shane and my mommy. That lady was never there for me, she has never comforted me when i needed her.

Joey: M-mommy, i-it hurts.

Mom: What hurts joey?

Joey: M-my....heart.

My voice was a hushed whisper and what i said was so beyond true. My heart was aching every time i breathed and it just got worse every passing minute.

Deborah touched my back and i pushed her off cuddling back into mommy, i just needed her right now.

Mom: I'm so sorry, let's um...let's go make cookies to take your mind off of it yea?

Joey: D-Daniel said get rest.

Mom: You can watch me.

I nodded and wallked to the kitchen and deborah left....she was crying. I shrugged and wiped my nose with my sleep.

Joey: Why J-Joey's heart hurt?

Mom sighed and looked at me with a hurt expression. I just made a questioning face and i tilted my head to the side.

Mom: It's called heartbreak joey, it happens when you're really mad or sad at someone who you really love. It's hard to get through and it makes you feel sad.

Joey: Oh.

I put my head down and the tears slipped out, i cry too much. She pulled me into another hug and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Mom: But joey, listen to me, it is possible to get OVER heart break. It's hard but possible, you just have to try and get happy again.

Joey: How Joey do t-that?

Mom: Find someone that makes you happy, someone who you feel nice around.

My thoughts instantly went to meghan and daniel. Those two make me...happy but i have one problem. That problem is the hardest to overcome. Shane is....the thing that always makes me happy.

Author's note

Ok so this was more of a filler and no there will be NO janiel action in this book. I'll post another chapter soon i promise. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeee <3

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