Chapter 11

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(Quick thing, this chapter is random and stupid but i think it's cute. Now read on)

Shane's pov

It was about twenty minutes later when Joey's eyes fluttered open. He sat up and tried to stand but he stumbled starting to fall. I caught him and set him back on the bed.

Shane: Just take it easy joey. What happened baby?

Joey: J-joey just have....bad d-day.

Shane: Aww i'm so sorry.

I pulled him into a hug and he rested his head in the crook of my neck and he let out a sigh as he hugged me back.

Shane: Hey, how about after school we go to the zoo?

He instantly sat up with a really confused yet excited look in his eyes.

Joey: What's a z-zoo?

Shane: It's a place you go to see lots of pretty animals.

Joey: A-are monkeys...there?

Shane: Yes joey there's monkeys.

He smiled and screached to which i instantly covered his mouth. Joey has gotten into this new habit of screaching when he's happy. It's adorable but it's also a bit annoying.

Shane: Joey, you need to stop doing that.

Joey: But joey....happy.

Shane: I know but it's really loud.

He pouted and i pecked his lips making him smile. Joey's smile was the most beautiful thing you could imagine. It just had so much life and happiness you could stare for days in fascination.

Joey's pov

I walked back to class and the teacher did not look too happy with me. I put my head down and pouted at my shoes.

Teacher: Joey, do you wanna explain that little outburst?

Shane stood in front of me and i sighed. Shane always has to stand up for joey. Maybe shane getting tired of me? No, shane loves me...or does he?

Shane: He had some bad flashbacks and they triggered an attack.

Teacher: I was never told he had panic like attacks.

Shane: Sorry.

He turned away and shane rolled his eyes looking back at me.

Shane: Now if you get scared, you know what room i'm in.

I nodded and shane walked out of the room, i hate school so much. This place isn't as fun as the woods. I can't swing from branches as much as i used to. I can't talk to birds and chase the wind freely. This school is like prison....but worse. (This is how i feel about school, besides the woods part)

I sat back down and the rest of the day dragged on ever so slowly. Finally the last bell rang and i was so ready to go to zoo? I can never remember the things shane tells me.

Shane's pov

Joey and i had just walked through the door so fucking thankful today was friday. School is literally draining my soul and i need a break.

Mom and dad both looked like they were in complete shock and they looked scared.

Shane: Um what's wrong?

Mom: O-oh it's nothing sweetie, it's just some stuff about joey.

Shane: Is something wrong?

Dad: No, but um Joey, be expecting visitors in a couple days.

Joey leaned closer to my head and whispered to me.

Joey: W-what's a visitor?

Shane: It's a person who comes to see you.

Joey: Oooh. LET'S G-GO TO THE ZOO!!!

Everyone jumped at his sudden yell and now my ear was lightly ringing. Damn this boy has lots of energy.

Shane: Ok, just go change into better clothes.

He jumped upstairs and i quickly followed. I changed into a pair of athletic shorts and a muscle tee. I honestly don't care what i wear on the weekends. Joey changed into tight fitting white shorts with a cute red T-shirt.

I just took my brothers car since he usually dosen't care about it. It was a pretty nice car, i don't understand why he dosen't use it. Joey was bouncing rapidly while i was driving and he was just so adorable. He always gets excited when he tries new things.

We pulled into the parking lot and joey nearly pulled my shoulder from its socket trying to pull me faster. I managed to slow him down and we got our wristbands that let us inside.

Shane: Where to first?

Joey: MONKEYS!!!

We got a few stares but obviously joey didn't care at all. We ran around the giant zoo until we found the monkey/ape habitat. Joey couldn't be more excited about anything at all.

Joey: Shaney, l-look at the pretty monkeys!!!

Shane: I see them joey.

We leaned down to see more into their space. A few gorillas were slowly moving around and a couple monkeys swung from trees. I didn't expect what happened next.

Joey JUMPED INTO the pit of animals. I gasped and my eyes went wide when he landed on the ground.

Shane: JOEY NO!!!

Joey's pov

After i hit the floor all the monkeys stared at me. I smiled and walked up to one of them. It oooed at me and the rest of the monkeys stared in wonder.

Joey: Ooo ooo ahhh.

The reason i like monkeys so much is because for a few years i had a monkey following me around. I guess it was a pet because it had a collar. I learned to talk to it and it talked to me, i miss that monkey so much. One morning i woke up and it was gone.

The large ape thing stared at me and i hugged it. The fur was so soft and warm. It reminds me of that monkey. It smelled my hair many times and slowly it rested its hand on my back.

He roughly patted my back and i giggled when my voice rippled at the pats. The other monkeys surrounded and i sat on the largest ones lap as he played with my hair.

Joey: Ooooh ah?

I pointed to the trees and the smaller monkeys all screached and hopped around. We all climbed trees quickly and we hopped around the branches. I took off my shirt and shoes just enjoying this time.

Shane's pov

Joey gave me at least five fucking heart attacks in the past five minutes. I get he likes monkeys but dear god i didn't think he would actually play with them.

He had managed to attract a crowd and they all stared curiously and filled with wonder. Joey is actually playing with monkeys.

I saw two men come in the exhibit and joey was sitting with the gorillas again. They grabbed him and the monkeys started slamming their fists on the ground and shrieking as joey was pulled away. I hated that they did that, joey was having so much fun.

He dosen't have as much fun as he used to. Somedays i wish i hadn't taken him out of the woods so he could still be free. I picked him up from the security office and i managed to explain away his behavior.\

Joey: That...f-un.

Shane: I bet it was, you wanna get dinner now?

Joey: Mhm my stomach e-empty.

I chuckled and tried to think of a place to eat. But out of all the things that have happened for the past few days, there's still a part of my mind that's thinking of Sawyer.

Author's note

This chapter is cute and i like it. That's all i'm gonna say and yea i posted two chapters in a day. But i'm not gonna be able to update for for days starting friday. I'm visiting family and i can't lock myself in a room and write. Sooooo sorry but i'll write a bunch before then. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all bye byeeeeeee <3

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