Chapter 9

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Joey's pov

After shane left i pouted and walked back inside. The living room was empty and i looked around not seeing anything. I walked around the house looking for mom.

Joey: M-mommy where a-are you?

I felt two hands on my shoulders and i giggled as i jumped.

Mom: boo.

I giggled and turned around hugging her. She hugged back and i smiled nuzzling my face into her neck.

Mom: Oh where did this come from joey?

Joey: Joey love....mommy.

Mom: Aww i love you too joey.

She kissed my cheek and we ran into her big room and we began to build a fort.

Shane's pov

After an hour we arrived at the park and we went to get our tickets. Instead sawyer used his season pass so we got in free. We decided to just go on rides, eat lunch, play park games and then go home. Thankfully it's just the two of us instead of a whole group.

Sawyer: Thanks for coming with me shane.

Shane: And thank you for inviting me.

We smiled and walked towards the first rollercoaster. I'm so ready for today.

{Time skip}

It was a few hours later and i had had the most fun. We had just finished eating when we decided to go play some games.

Sawyer: How about balloon pop?

Shane: You're on.

We both paid and bought five darts and Sawyer beat me by ONE. I'm a bit pissed but it's just a game, i'm not too competitive unless i have to be.

We continued playing games for the next hour and sawyer won most of them. We went on two more rides and now we're going onto the ferris wheel. I always thought it was romantic on ferris wheels but that's just me. Sawyer seemed especially happy when we sat in the large seats. He sat extra close to me and thankfully no one got on with us.

We slowly started ascending and and his fingers ghosted over my hand. I blushed and i turned my hand over so the palm was facing upwards. He took my hint and he connected our hands and i smiled.

Sawyer: This is nice.

Shane: Mhm.

Sawyer: Shane i have something to confess to you.

Shane: You can tell me anything Soy sauce.

He smiled and squeezed my hand as he turned towards me.

Sawyer: Shane I-I......why is this so hard?

Shane: Just take your time.

I patted his back and he took a few deep breathes looking back at me.

Sawyer: Shane i l-love you. Please don't hate me, i know you have Joey a-and you love him but i can't surpress these feelings. I know you probably won't wanna see m-

My body took over and i smashed my lips onto his just pushing him towards me. I held his head and he held my waist pulling me onto his lap. I got lost into the magical kiss and i could tell he did too.

I pulled away when air started to deminish from between us and we caught our breath as we smiled. But i instantly thought of joey. I moved off of his lap and i ran a hand through my hair.

Sawyer: Oh my god, shane i'm so sorry.

Shane: N-no I'm the one who kissed you don't blame yourself.

Sawyer: Shane calm down it's alright.

He rubbed my back and i calmed down slightly.

Shane: I loved that kiss but, i don't know if i can break up with Joey.

Sawyer: YOu don't have to, that kiss was more than enough for me.

I smiled and we hugged tightly just thinking to ourselves. I can't believe this just happened. Sawyer was the last person i expected to be either bi or gay.

The ride stopped and we were let out and we walked across the park to the exit. We walked to his car and we had a rather quiet ride home.

Sawyer: So we won't tell joey about this?

Shane: I think that's best.

He nodded and we had an awkward silence all the way home. It was ten o clock when we pulled into the driveway and sawyer walked me to the car.

Shane: Thank you for the fun day sawyer, i really needed it.

Sawyer: Anytime shane, can i have maybe one more kiss?

Shane: Oh fine.

I leaned in and our lips locked in another passionate kiss. We heard the door open right as we pulled away and joey stood there in his little space pajamas looking adorable.

Joey's pov

Shane was gone all day, but joey did have a good day with mommy. I was ready for bed when i heard car doors shut. I saw car lights and i leaped onto my bed grabbing my teddy bear and squeazing it tightly.

Joey: S-shaney's home.

I leaped down the steps and i raced to the door pulling it open. Shane moved away from sawyer and he smiled at me. Sawyer look...nervous? He's probably ok.

Shane: Hi baby.

I smiled and jumped onto shane wrapping my legs around his waist and nuzzling my face into his neck. I giggled as he held me in place.

Joey: Hi shaney.

He smiled and i held him tighter not wanting to let go. He rubbed my back and kissed my hair. I've missed shaney so much today.

Shane: Bye sawyer see you monday.

Sawyer: Bye shane, a-and yea i'll see you then.

He left and shane carried me inside just rocking me as he carried me upstairs.

Shane's pov

I laid joey in his bed kissing him goodnight and i went back to my room. I got into my shower and the hot needles washed my body and helped me relax. I dried off and pulled on my boxers walking out into my room. I saw a lump in my bed and i smiled crawling into bed.

I pulled joey's sleeping body into mine and i stroked his soft cheeks. Joey had beautiful pink cheeks that were always bright with happiness. Even when he's sleeping he's just my little angel.

I still felt guilty about the kiss but i doubt Joey will find out.

Shane: I love you my little baby.

I kissed his forehead and my eyes became heavy. I tangled our legs together and pulled him closer and i slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Author's pov

I don't know where i'm going with this Sawyer situation but i'll figure it out. I hope you liked this chapter and Happy Haloween. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all bye byeeeeeeee <3

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