Chapter 19

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[Warning this chapter has cutting, if you're sensitive to this i do not suggest you read it]

Shane's pov

I spent the rest of that class period trying to find joey, i searched the whole school but there was no sign of him. The bell rang and i saw daniel's car pull up he got out and saw me. Even from far away i could see how pissed he was. He briskly walked towards me and i swallowed loudly as he approached.

Daniel is usually a calm person but when he's mad, people try their best to get out of his way. He then stood in front of me and to be honest....i'm terrified.


Shane: W-what do you mean?

Daniel: You know good and DAMN WELL what you did.

I stayed silent being terrified that i was gonna get hit. I bawled my fists up just preparing for the harsh contact from his fist

Shane: I-I didn't want to.

Daniel: You and i BOTH know that's a lie. Joey said you cheated AGAIN, if you didn't want to, then why did you?


Daniel shoved me a few times until i finally stumbled and fell hard on the ground. He went to yell at me again but luke ran over and stood inbetween us.

Luke: What's going on?

Daniel: Shane's a cheating piece of shit.


I just decided that school wasn't fucking worth it today. I stood up and ran to my car and drove to my house, i ran inside ignoring the questions from mom. Loudly i slammed my door and i fell onto my bed screaming into the pillows, i'm so fucking confused.

{Time skip}

It had been four days, since i had locked myself in the cold lonely room. It had been four days since i spoke a single word, not even to myself. My throat is dry and scratchy, but my heart surpasses that easily. I guess my parents and joey knew to leave me alone because none of them came to check on me.

Well, except my mom brining me food, i hardly eat it though. I suddenly got a terrifying feeling, my wrists were tingling and i had a really bad urge.

Shane: One t-time can't hurt right?

I found myself walking towards the bathroom at an agonizingly slow pace. I was very hesitant but my body seemed to take over and my brain was just numb. I walked past the door and i walked towards my cabinet that held the thing that can kill me with a few swift movements.

I grabbed my razor and i looked at it as the light made it shine. It's hard to believe that this piece of metal can destroy families and friendships. It can make people suffer enough to want to do the same thing and kill them selves just to add onto the chain of hurt.

Shane: I'm sorry.

I turned on the shower water and i sat in the tub clothes and all, i'm just so fucking sick of hurting everyone i know.

Shane: Goodbye.

I then drug the blade deeply across my arms and blood began to pour out. I hissed at the pain but at the same time, the pain went away. It felt so good to get rid of these nagging problems but at the same time i still felt awful.

I made six deep cuts into each arm and i was feeling lightheaded as i saw my blood mix with the water. The world began to go black and i passed out just as i heard the door open.

Joey's pov

I miss shaney so much, i had a really long talk with mommy and we decided that i should talk to him. He might need me to make him feel better.

I grabbed a juice and i jogged upstairs quietly knocking on his door.

Joey: S-shaney?

I slowly opened his door and i didn't see him, i heard the water running so i guess he was showering. I knocked on the door and i still didn't hear anything. I knocked louder and still nothing.

Finally i turned the knob and pushed it open. The thing i saw scared me a lot.

Joey: S-Shaney, are y-you...ok?

I ran over and i saw his arms were sliced open. His skin was a scary pale, and he didn't look normal. I turned off the the water and i grabbed his shoulders.

Joey: Shane, w-wake up...please.

I shook him and i hugged him, his body was limp and cold. I shook him a bit harder and he didn't budge.

Joey: Shaney, p-please, i'm sorry f-for being m-mad, please.

I then started to feel terrified and i started shaking. I screamed for mom, and she ran upstairs and she gasped loudly. Quickly she grabbed her phone and called some people who were supossed to make shane feel better.

Joey: W-what's happening?

Mom: U-um, shane hurt himself....on purpose.

I sobbed into shane's hair and my shoulders bounced everytime i breathed in. Soon i heard loud horn like things pull into our driveway. One man and a woman came up the stairs and into the bathroom to see us. They pushed mommy out of the way and i refused to let go.

Man: We need to take him to the hospital.

Joey: C-can joey come?

The woman nodded and we ran out to their loud vehicle. Mommy said she would meet us there and i was so scared i was gonna lose shaney. I snuggled my face into his limp hand just because i wanted to feel him. The man placed a hand on my shoulder and i whimpered.

Man: He'll be alright.

I nodded and kissed shane's hand gently placing it on my cheek again.

Joey: Shane, i-if you can h-hear joey, please b-be ok.

We finally pulled into the big and they took him inside. I tried to follow but a man with big muscles held me back. I screamed and kicked rapidly and i flailed my arms soon slapping him. My screams and cries got louder and so did my anger.

I bit onto the mans arm and he groaned throwing me off, i latched onto him and i harshly sunk my teeth onto his neck and i know i drew blood.

Man: Put him to sleep.

I felt a harsh prick in my neck and i screeched at the pain i felt. Suddenly i felt my body go limp i felt strange and sleepy. I lost my tight grip on the man's neck and i slowly slipped into an involuntary sleep.

Author's note

I hope you guys liked this rather suspensful chapter. This idea came to me earlier and i really liked it so i used it. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeeeee <3

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