Chapter 31

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[You guys are gonna hate me. But....uh oh]

Shane's pov

It was another monday and i was having the weirdest day. Joey wasn't at school and neither was daniel, daniel hardly ever misses. Yes he skips classes but he almost never skips an entire day. It had me questioning a lot of things but i shook it off. The day dragged on and it was lunch time. Cat and luke plopped next to me and we ate in silence until luke so rudely broke it.

Luke: Hey, where's joey?

I growled and took a huge bite of my sandwich trying to avoid the question. They both gave me skeptical looks and i forcefully swallowed my sandwich bite and i rolled my eyes.

Shane: I don't know, he slept in his room last night and i'm guessing that joey just stayed home today.

Cat: Oh, ok. You're in a grouchy mood.

Shane: No i'm not.

Luke:Oh sure.

I growled under my breath and i took a huge gulp of my soda letting out a belch after that. Cat grimaced and waved her hand in front of her face.

Cat: God, shane can you go a day without grossing me out?

Shane: PRobably not, so get over it.

Luke: Damn, what crawled up your ass and died? (I say this all the time no lie)

We finished lunch in silence and i got up tossing my trash into the bin. I stalked off to next period just feeling like a major dick.

Daniel's pov

We moved the last of joey's stuff into my house and we fell onto my bed. I've been coming back and fourth most of the day as we were moving joey's stuff to my house. Joey actually called me last night and begged to move in with me.

Obviously i said yes and now it's three in the afternoon and we're finally finished. Joey had his little teddy bear in his arms and i smiled at how fucking adorable he is. He slowly slid closer to me and he flinched when i went to hug him.

Daniel: Don't worry, i won't hurt you.

He nodded and bit his lip slowly climbing into my embrace. I held him tightly and i lightly stroked his hair. He gave me a little smile and he put his bear near my lips.

Joey: Kiss it?

I lightly kissed the bear and he smiled hiding his face in my chest.

Joey: J-Joey, love daniel.

My heart seemed to burst as i looked down at him. He was blushing furiously and i held him closer. I feel like this might be a beautiful relationship. But i don't think joey will like me too much when....he knows he's mine.

Shane's pov

I was driving home and lisa was driving close behind me. We decided to have a bit of study time at my house just because. I pulled in and i got out grabbing my bag as we walked inside. Something was off, usually joey comes running when i get home.

I KNOW he wasn't sick cause he was beyond healthy last night.

Shane: JOEY?

I heard no happy footsteps coming down the stairs and i was getting concerned. Maybe he's still mad at me.

Shane: Hey, lisa set up the books, i'll be right back.

She nodded and i jogged upstairs quickly as i knocked on his door gently. No one answered and i knocked again but louder.

Shane: Joey, please answer me.

No noise came and i threw his door open, what i saw made my heart shatter and burn. Instead of seeing an adorable joey on his bedspread looking at me, i saw nothing but a head board and matress. All his clothes were out of his closet. His little collection of teddy bears was absolutely gone.

Shane: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

I heard lisa bound up the stairs to me to see what was the problem. She saw joey's room and she gasped pulling me into a hug. I then heard mom soon walk up next to me.

Shane: W-why isn't he here?

Mom: You apparently didn't care anymore, so he did something about it.

Shane: M-mom, this can't be true.

Mom: I'm sorry shane.

She left and i went farther into his room just seing how empty it looks. Each second makes my heart shatter more then it already did. Lisa hugged me again as i cried heavily into her shoulder.

Lisa: I'm so sorry shane.

Shane: N-No, i deserve this. I took advantage of his love and now i lost it.

Lisa: It'll get better.

Shane: NO it won't.

I cried harder and she just rubbed my back in soothing shapes. I held onto her tightly and we just continued sitting on the floor for a good few hours.

Joey's pov

Daniel's house is nice but i do miss shaney. He may have been mean but loved me first. Mommy told me that first love hurts.

Right now i was fingind a spot or my teddy bears when i heard daniel call me from his room down the hall. I also didn't like how far apart our rooms are. I grabbed my white teddy and i shuffled over to his room.

Joey: Y-Yes danny?

Daniel: Come here.

I walked to his bed and he smiled at me pulling me into a kiss.

Daniel: You're so cute...and innocent.

Joey: Well, t-thank you.

He smirked and pulled me into a kiss as i fell on top of him. I moved my teddy and i ran my hands through his hair.

Shane's pov

We had finally gotten off the floor and lisa had managed to distract me with food. I did just realize i was starving.

Shane: Thanks for being here for me lisa.

Lisa: I always will shane.

I bit down onto my burger and i smiled at lisa. So far we had got a bit of studying done but i'm still incredibly sad.

Shane: I-I'll get through this.

Lisa: Yes you will.

Author's note.

I hope you liked this chapter you lovely people. I hope you're still liking this book. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeee <3

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