Chapter 12

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Shane's pov

After we ate joey looked really down and sad. I decided to try something new with him. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and he smiled.

Shane: Joey, we're gonna try something new. What do YOU want to do, for a change.

Joey: S-so Joey choose....what w-we do?

Shane: Yes you do, sooooo joeybear what do you wanna do?

He bit his lip and sat in thought for a second. He then got a large smile on his face and he turned to me as he started giggling.

Shane: What is it?

Joey: Joey gonna t-teach climb.

Shane: You mean...climb trees?

He nodded furiously and his smile got bigger. Damn it, i really need to think about what i ask him. But hey, this could be fun, who knows?

Joey dragged me outside and to the thick brush of trees. I swallowed loudly when joey motioned for me to climb the tree in front of me.

Shane: J-joey i don't think i can do it.

Joey: I-is shane....chicken?

I lightly hit his arm and he giggled. I gripped onto a tree branch and i hoisted myself up onto it. I climbed the tall tree and joey still beat me even though i had a seven second head start. He's so quick it's not fair.

I uneasily balanced on the top branch and i was scared of what would happen next.

Shane: Ok, now what?

Joey: HAVE FUN!!

Joey's pov

I pushed him off the branch and he screamed when he got closer to the ground. I smiled as grasped at a branch and insantly his body flung itself to another branch. He did this many times until he got the hang of it. I swung near him and he smiled at me.

I smiled back and he lost balance for a second but he got it back.

Joey: See shaney, it easy.

He smiled and held onto a branch with both hands. I flung myself across multiple branches until landing on a firm one. He tried to copy me but instead he slipped and started to fall. I grabbed onto his hand and pulled him up with me.

Shane: That is so fun joey.

Joey: J-joey know, do y-you wanna see birdies?

Shane: U-um sure i guess.

I grabbed his hand and we climbed a few more trees until we came to a little nest. I slowly got close to it and peaked inside. I whispered to him as he got closer.

Joey: They....pretty.

I looked into the small nest and a few baby birds seemed to stare back at us for a short amount of time. I giggled until it started to rain. Soon i began to shiver and he smiled placing a kiss onto his cheek.

Shane: You wanna go back to the house?

Joey: Mhm, joey exhausted.

I smiled and we swung through the trees landing heavily onto the grass that was lightly covered in water. I fell right on my butt and we both started laughing loudly. We rushed inside and we were both shivering. Quickly we rushed up the stairs and turned on the shower.

Our bodies warmed up and we felt content as we changed into more comfortable clothes. We headed downstairs for a late night snack and my parents were still up.

Mom: Hi boys, did you have a nice time at the zoo?

Joey: Mommy, joey play with monkeys.

She looked at shane and raised an eyebrow.

Mom: Explain.

Shane: Joey....kinda jumped into the ape exhibit.

Dad: Oh god really? Is he alright, did you get into any trouble?

Shane: Everything is fine but can joey and i get back to our snack now?

Mom: Yes you may.

Shane's pov

We walked to the kitchen and joey grabbed a banana pealing it open. He slowly slid it down his throat and he pulled it back out.

Joey: Bananas ooh s-sweet.

I nodded and bit my lip ignoring the semi hard on i had. Joey dosen't know how sexy he can be sometimes. It can be pretty annoying at times and i hate how he dosen't know about it.

Shane: Hey joey, you wanna go cuddle and watch TV?

He nodded and took a big bite out of the banana before throwing it away. We ran to the living room and joey got in his usual spot. He rested his face against mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His legs rested on my lap and he sighed with contentment.

Mom: You two are so adorable.

Shane: Mom don't start.

She smiled and walked back to her room. I stroked his arms and he smiled up at me. Suddenly his smile faded and he looked down at his hands.

Shane: Joey, you alright?

Joey: Can j-joey ask question?

Shane: Um sure, what is it?

Joey: Is s-shane getting....tired of joey?

Shane: What?!?! Of course not, joey i love you so much, how could you say that?

Joey: If you love j-joey then why did you l-leave me to go with s-sawyer?

Shane: Joey, you know that was a friend day. Sawyer just wanted to spend time with me.

Joey: So you make excuses.

Shane: What do you mean?

Joey: Y-you never tell joey why you and close when you g-got back.

Shane: I told you, i had something on my shirt and sawyer got it.

He sighed and ran a hand through his now slightly long hair.

Joey: Did you k-kiss.....sawyer?

I stayed silent and joey moved away from me. He had found me out and i lied to his face in return. Joey is smarter than he looks.

Joey: ANSWER ME!!!

Shane: YES ok? Yes i did, i didn't mean to, my body just took over and i kissed him.

Joey: S-so you lie to Joey?

Shane: Yes i did, baby i'm so sorry. Please forgive me.

Joey: I t-talked to mommy about it, and joey's done f-forgiving right now.

He moved away from me and he stomped up the steps leaving me by myself. He shut his bedroom door softly and tears spilled from my eyes. How the fuck did he find out about that?

Mom: I told him.

She walked out of her room and sat next to me.

Shane: W-what?

Mom: I saw you two kiss and i told him.

Shane: Why the fuck would you do that?!?!

Mom: SHANE LEE, watch your language. I told him because he didn't deserve to be lied to. If you haven't noticed, joey has feelings just like you. How would you feel if he lied to you about cheating?

I stayed quiet and she had a dissapointed look in her eyes.

Mom: You're gonna wish you wouldn't have done that by tomorrow.

Shane: What's that supossed to mean?

Mom: You'll see soon.

She walked to her bedroom and shut the door and i just curled up on the couch letting my tears fall. What did she mean by you'll see tomorrow?

Author's note

Sorry it took so long to update, I've had a busy week.also I'm going on a small vacation soon so I'll post soon I'm stockpiling a few chapters so i'll be able to post on the days i'm gone. I hope that's alright, not like it matters haha. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all bye byeeeeeee <3

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