The First Day Of High School

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A/N: You should probably read "summer love" before you read this or you won't understand what's going on lol sorry 😂 💘
I woke up Monday morning to the smell of pancakes.
I checked my phone and I was blinded, because I forgot to turn the brightness down.
I got up and got ready for school. I'm so nervous. I wasn't really expecting to go to school in North Carolina. I had already picked my electives for my old school haha oops.
Anyways, I ran downstairs and I see Sophia waiting for me with a huge smile on her face.
"Morningggg" I said as I put my shoes on.
"Morning!" She said.
"Ready to go?" I said.
"Yeah!!" Said Sophia.
We walked down to the bus stop and Hunter and Weston were down there waiting.
"Hi guys!" I said.
"Hey!!" They both said.
"There's a lot of people here..." I whispered.
"Lol yup" said Hunter.
"Those bitches over there are giving us dirty looks..." Said Sophia.
"Just ignore them" I said.
The bus finally arrived and we all sat in the front of the bus because we were freshmen 🙄.
About 10 minutes later we arrived at school. It's freaking huge.
"What class do you guys have 1st period?" I said.
"Biology" said Sophia, Hunter, and Weston.
"Yay!" I said.
We walked into the class room and sat down.
The teacher walked into the class room...
"Welcome to high school! I am Mrs. Williams"
I already hate this teacher, she seems way too perky.
Biology was pretty boring TBH....
I went to my next class which was Algebra extension. Yes, I suck at math don't judge me. I was the only one in that class.... Sophia, Hunter, and Weston all had Geometry. 🙄
I sat down in the back row.
This boy named Mark sat next to me. He was really nice!! This algebra extension class is 90 minutes long. It takes up one of my electives. Greatttt. After 90 minutes of fucking torture. I went to History.
I kept staring off into space... History definitely wasn't my favorite class...
The bell rang and it was finally lunch time.
I sat next to weston, and He introduced me to some of his other friends.
"Bailey, this is Mario, Mark, Blake, Bryce, Simon, Nathan, Zach, and Jacob.
Said Weston.
"Nice to meet you guys!!" I said.
"You too!" They said.
"So, Zach how's Life? 😏 said Weston.
"Good, hby? 😏 said Zach.
"Pretty good" 😂😏 said Weston.
I just sat there awkwardly.. 😂
Weston grabbed my waist and pulled me closer ☺️😭❤️.
(Skip 5th, 6th, and 7th period)
Ugh P.E... 🔫
I swear to the llama lords if we are playing dodge ball or if we are running I will slap a b!tch.
Okay, so we didn't do anything in gym today, we talked about the rules, and for the last 15 minutes we got to talk to the people around us.
9th period...
Ahh finally the last class of the day!
"Rules rules blah blah blah"
The school day finally ended, and I got to go home. Now I have to do it all again tomorrow.
Here's the sequel!!! ☺️❤️❤️ I hope you guys like it!

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