Goodbye, Jungkook

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Date today- Jan 17 2016

Date written - Feb 23 2013

hey, it's me. I decided to send you a mail since you're not answering my calls nor my messages. I missed you, it has already been like, day? weeks? months? since we talked, but it felt like forever. Are you okay? are you doing okay? have you been eating well? I wish you were, cause I can't bare having you sick. Look I know you still didn't want to talk to me but, I got a text from Jimin yesterday, he said that you're leaving to California by next week. Is it true? that you're gonna leave me?, what about us? me? what about on what we have? you're just gonna trash that all like shit?.

Jungkook why? i thought you just needed some time? I thought you just needed some space to clear things up?. was it still about Hobi hyung? I told you right? that he's just my friend and nothing more, I never cheated on you and I will never will. I love you and only you. You're the love of my life, my everything, my life and my world. And I cant bare losing you, just please Jungkook, think about it. Don't leave, I love you, I love you, I love you. 

I hope this is not Goodbye

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Date Today- Jan 17 2016

Date Written - March 1 2013

So you chose to leave. you don't love me anymore, you don't want me anymore. okay, I understand. I thought you were different from the others, but I guess i'm wrong, you left me too. But even though you did, my feelings didn't change. I hate you so much, I hate you because you're confusing me, because you're so selfish, because you're so unfair, because I still love you. 

How about our promises to each other? what happened to 'I love you always'? you brought me this high, and it hurts so much as if I'm falling down and you weren't here to catch me. you were like my drugs and I cant stop loving you. But how can you? was this love even real? or is it just one-sided? But who cares? that's just how it is. you don't love me anymore. 

so i'll try to let you go. 




Date today - Jan 17 2016

Date written - Sept 15 2013

Goodbye was the word that I never said to you.  months had past, some things had changed, maybe. How has life been doing?. I bet you're still as perfect as ever. But here I am still messaging you. I cant believe that I still haven't moved on. how Jeon Jungkook, tell me how to unlove you. 


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Date Today - Jan 17 2016

Date Written - Today

I'm Letting you go.

Goodbye, Jungkook




*You have a new mail


To be Continued..

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