Simply not meant to be

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Was a seperate book before, cleaningmy trashy timeline so forgive me (poem from wintermelon)


I don't really know why
I always start to cry
Whenever it's about him
All things seems to dim.

The sun strikes as soon a I entered the open gate.

I sat down the pavement. Untill memories of us came flashing on my mind before and everything happens to our love story.

-Flashback story-

It started with a crush
It ended with a crash
It seems so perfect
I can't bear the after effect.

I was just on my Junior years of college that time, and i was the new transferee, that's when i met him. Since i was new, no one dares to make friends with me, i felt so lonely, sad and useless, useless as a friend, what do you expect, im just a worthless nerd freak. And i guess i should just get used to these things, because i know this is really for me. Day goes on and the teachers are already noticing me being such a complete loner, so they introduced me to this senior guy named Taehyung, He's nice, sweet, and just everything about him is perfect.

Whenever im with him, i swear i felt loved and cherish that ive never experienced before, we've been close as bestfriends, and he treats me like his real brother, and i can't deny the fact that I'm starting to like him, even if he doesn't, i think it was worth loving him, until one day he asked me to go out with me, he brought me to this place where everything was perfect, place that ever since in my life I've never imagined, where i wanted to be in to escape from my real life nightmares. It was really perfect but then i felt his hands touched mine, we stared at each other and that time he confessed to me, i can feel my heart skipped as i can't control it anymore, then i accept his love, it feels so great being with someone you love, how i wish there's no end for this.

Maybe it's love
Made made from heaven's above
Or maybe it's just a game
When it's end easily came.

It's been a long time now and we haven't had contact with each other since he graduated. I started to get worry that this may end this way, but when i go back to the memories we've shared, i bring back my hopes and self. But there's one time i got out, and there i saw him with that Horse bitch, which i decided to call him, i knew there's something going on them, i was just there watching them lovey doveys. I saw Hoseok glanced at me with a smirk, i had the guts to punch him but i had to control this temper of mine, so i harshly wiped my tears and ran off, i can hear Taehyung's voice shouts mine, but i didn't care. It hurts that someone you loved dearly with someone else is just different, i hate it, i wish God would just rip off my heart so i won't feel anything anymore, the super hero in my life that i tought who will save me from the hell i felt before was now gone, i gave him Everything, but i guess it wasn't just enough for him, but why? I gave it already, i gave my life, love and whole, but i guess i was wrong from saying that he's worth it, i just wish i never met him.

Six year's had passed and i still haven't accepted his apologies. h0He sends me countless letters and texts messages, but in months it stopped, i guess he got tired and stoped loving me, but i wont lie to myself that every single night i never cried, and Six year's had passed since i knew then that i was having our princess, since the day i knew, i ran off and live by myself, there i met the Yoonmin couple, they hepled me rise and im very thankful that i met friends like them. Until one night i tucked Taegeuk, my baby princess to bed until i heard someone knocked on our front door, then i saw a person infront of me that wasn't expected, and not welcome, i was shocked at the moment until i felt Taehyung hugged me, but i didn't, instead i pushed him away and closed the door. I don't know what am i feeling, right then i was the urge of crying again until i heard my baby called me 'mommy', she was the reason that until now im still living, and she's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Weeks passed and he's still bothering me from accepting him back, he said back then he already known that Taegeuk was his too, he wanted to go back but i wasn't there anymore so he tried to search for me, for us. But me being a stubborn father slash mother, i still didn't give him what he wants, until my daughter saw Taehyungs letters and found out that her father was there all along, she begged me to be with her father so i accepted, sometimes we hang out together and i prome it wasn't easy as i expected. Until one time i let Taehyung slept in our house, Taegeuk was upstairs already sleeping until Taehyung spoke to me and said that he wants us to be happy, he wants us to smile always, he wants us to stay together and never leave each other's back, and he wants me to promise it for him, at that time i was so confused and scared, so in response, i kissed him until i didn't noticed that we where already making love.

I didn't noticed that, that night i already accepted him, and it just feels great again, that the things i missed on him, his love, his touch and him, has finally came back to me. I was fixing my baby's hair for her daycare and ate breakfast with her, i immediately got her there so she wontget late, i bid her good bye and i love you, when i was about to go to work i noticed Taehyung calling me from the phone, i picked it up but a different person talking to the other line and it was a very familiar voice, it was Jin Hyung, i listened through every single word he's saying with a shock expression, i immediately ran through the hospital and saw a sleeping Taehyung with dextrose and needles all over him suffering from cancer, seing him like this make me go weak, i saw on the other side is a crying Jin hyung with Namjoon hyung comforting him, i noticed Taehyung woke up and i slowly approach him a warm hug, i cried on his shoulder, i just couldn't control it, i felt him comfort me, saying everything will be alright, and we will fight together.

As time passed Taehyung is still taking the therapy, and i noticed that he's slowly giving up, but Taegeuk never had a day without saying his father to stay strong and never give up, which gives us all the hope we need.

Not until one day the doctor said it's not working anymore that he already reached stage four, and it said that his time is on count, we where all speechless then, but Taheyung only gave us a weak smile, saying that its just okay, we didnt want to waste more time, so we decided to just take him home with us. We entertained him, play with him ang cuddle, forgetting all of the conflicts we have.

But i know deep in me
It's something so dearly i want to see
How the magic of love touches our heart
And not how we sadly apart.

I know that one night it was already your last day, Kim Taehyung, i Love you, i really do, i know that God did everything for us, but I guess the world couldn't accept our love, i will never forget the promises you asked me, we will forever be together for you, though i know that you'll still be here to watch and guide us, and we will always look up for you. I remember the first time i saw you smiled at me, and how you treat me, and day by day i grew feelings for you, i tought that one sided love i felt before will forever stay, but i guess you fade it away, you confessed to me and i accepted you, you where my first and last, and lets not stick to the past. I can't promise myself to stop crying whenever i remember you but I'll try my best for Taegeuk and to our new baby, thank you for the last gift, and im sorry that i didn't forgive you as soon as possible, only if i knew you where suffering, i should have not became a stubborn wife for you, and now this feeling of regret stayed inside.

-end of Flashback-

Though it ended painfully
At least it started beautifully
Pain i can bear no more
And should not feel forevermore

I caressed his stone as i can't stop my tears anymore, it's been a year, and i guess i should move on. But it's hard, because every night i dream about you, but maybe this was for the best because God don't want us to hurt anymore, i hope you're doing fine there, i miss you, and i love you.

It hurts 'cause we really cant be
Oh my adieu to my "bi"
For its not really you and me
Because we're not simply meant to be.

I slowly got up and went to the daycare to fetch Taegeuk, we got home and saw Jin Hyung Carrying baby Junghyun, he bid us goodbye and left us. We spend the day with many laughter on our faces, as the day end, i hugged them tightly, like there's no one can ever seperate us, Taehyung might kill me from my dreams if i ever let go on one of them.

I know i didn't live happily ever after with Him, but at least i have my other happiness with me. And this time i will never let go.


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