One Wish

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Was a seperate book before, cleaning my trashy timeline. (Forgive me)

Jungkook and taehyung was sitting under the three by the park, while jungkook was reading his newly buyed book and taehyung was just there sitting with his little kookie when he saw a plane from far away through the air who just came to passes by.

"Hyung!, what are you doing?" Jungkook asked his hyung weirdly

"Huh?, oh, catching a plane" Taehyung answered still focusing on what he was doing.

"What? Catch a plain? How come you can catch a plane with just two fingers?" The younger boy asked while putting the bookmark to his book.

"It's not like that catching plane thingy" said taehyung.
"Yes! 35!" He added.

"Then what? And whats with the 35?" Jungkook asked again.

"You know, for the seventeen years of your living, don't tell me you only know how to drink on your mom because of you asking to much questions" the older said looking pissed.

"Well, no?, i just wanted to know what are you doing, is it that bad to ask too many questions from a guy or alien like you who didn't even dare to answer a single thing but just complain about me being a questionable person?" Said the other boy.

Taehyung just sighed and explained to the boy "ah fine, about that catching plane thing, when you saw a plane pass by and catched one hundred of them only using by your two fingers, like pinching them, you get to have one wish"

"Are you kidding me? And why one hundred but you can only have one wish?" Jungkook asked again.

"Well, i don't know? But there's a story behind it though" Taehyung said then noticed jungkooks expression like he really wants to listen about the story. looks interesting, i think. As Jungkook tought.

"There was a child who really wants to have a jumping rope-" Taehyung was cutted by jungkook complain.

"What? A jumping rope? Are you serious? Is this even real? Don't play games with me tae"

"Shush! Just listen" and jungkook just obeyed as Taehyung said so.

"Okay, so there was a child, who badly wants a jumping rope, he doesn't have enough savings to buy one since their just poor, so one morning when he woke up he prayed to God for thanking him that he woke him every morning, and give him a sign on how he will get a jumping rope toy, whe he finished his prayer he saw a plane pass by and catched it, and told his self 'one' he didn't know who made him do it, he was confused and his mind was just blank that time, so he just shrugged it off. everyday as time passes by it became a habit of his catching plane then count them. As he reached one hundred, he looked up from the sky and wished for the toy he badly wanted then the next day came, his mother came back with a jumping rope on her hand that he's been dying to have"

"Really hyung?" Said jungkook who was about to laugh.

"Well don't blame me from believing it, i already had wished one time and it came true" Taehyung said while holding jungkook hand.

"What is?"

"To be with you"

With that they hugged each other like there's no tomorrow, like no one can separate them from their paths, it's like love was the only thing that exists in this wold, but but Jungkook didn't know that this could be the last hug he will get from his taehyung hyung.

One week later

At the xxxx airport.

"TAE! PLEASE DONT LEAVE!!!" Jungkook shouted while crying getting everyones attention, clinging to his hyung like a Koala.

Taehyung just said sorry to them then go back to Jungkook and carried him, "I'll be back i promise"

"NO! YOU WILL NEVER COME BACK BECAUSE YOU PROMISED, AND PROMISESS ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN!!!" The younger shouted again while punching his hyungs back resting his head on Taehyungs now wet shoulder. It seems like Jungkook will really miss his hyung.

"Alright then, just wait for me, please kookie, please understand, it's for our future too, and please don't be like that, you're stressing yourself, Taegeuk just started living inside your tummy for just one week then look at you?" Taehyung said while patting his kookies back, which made the younger calmed a little. He slowly puts down Jungkook then touched both cheeks of the younger.

"I will be back, and when i get back, i will marry you and be the father of our child, we'll live happy together, and no one can stop us that time, just don't forget about me and take care of Taegeuk, okay?" He said while wiping jungkooks taers and the boy just nodded.

Taehyung slowly bent down reaching for Jungkook tummy, and slowly kissed it "be kind to your mommy okay? Just remember to kick his belly when he gets mad or sad, okay?" He said while touching it. He got up and give jungkook the last kiss, a sweet kiss.

"Im on now, Jin Hyung and Namjoon hyung, take care of Jungkook for me okay?" Said taehyung.

"Sure anything for my cousin" said jin

"Taehyung oppa/hyung we will miss you" Joon and Jinnie, Namjins twins said in unison while hugging him.

"I will miss you too both, and play with Taegeuk when she/he came to this world okay? protect her/him from anyone or everything for me okay?" Taehyung said then give jinnie a kiss on the forehead and a fist bump for Joon.

"We will hyung! No insects or leaves can touch Taegeuk! On our watch, right jinnie?" Joon said manly, which made everyone giggle.

Taehyung then turned to Jungkook again and give him a kiss on the forehead "Okay, im on now, take care okay?".


With that, jungkook watched taehyungs back that slowly fades.

"Lets go jungkook"

When they got out for about minutes passed he saw taehyungs plane fly untill it reached the sky, he slowly catched it with his two fingers and said 'one'...
5 years later

Five years had past and Jungkook with his beautiful daughter Taegeuk is doing fine, they still have contact with Taehyung but they badly want to touch him. Jungkook barely forgot to catch his wishes because of work and Taegeuk, but he still remember the counting '99"

They where now at the airport with Taegeuk for Jimin and Yoongi, the newly wed couple who will have a honeymoon on the other country, they bid goodbyes to them and waited for the plane to go up.

"Taegeuk Baby do you want to catch jimin and yoongis plane?" ask jungkook to his daughter.

"Yes but, how about you mommy?" Asked Taegeuk.

"It'll be okay, besides there is another one" said jungkook and they both catched it.

"Oh daddy your plane is landing here" said the amused Taegeuk.

But Jungkook didn't bother and just made his wish. After that they got back inside because Taegeuk said she wanted to pee, they where about to leave when he felt someone tapped his shoulder, and by the time he turned around, he was surprised, happy, different feelings kept running to his insides, because he just saw the man he loves the he's never get tired of loving, infront of him was his life and world while carrying their child. He was so damn happy that believing on the wish was so worth it.



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