Favorite Hyung pt.2

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13 years has passed, yes 13 years and a lot of things had changed. Jungkook became more mature since he's already 18, but he's still Taehyungs baby dongsaeng and Taehyung is still his favorite hyung. For the past few years of Jungkooks teenage life he couldn't deny the fact that he's already developing true feelings for his hyung, love. But this feeling inside him cannot be let out, because he's scared, he's scared that he might lose Taehyung, that the older would be disgusted to him.

So he just let it kept inside him and let it be the reason of his death. He didn't want to lose Taehyung, he didn't want to lose the person he truly love. He's been for Taehyung through thick and thin, and right now he was hugging his love of his life rubbing it's back trying to calm his hyung, who was currently crying because of an another break up. "Hyung, please stop crying, shes not worth it" Jungkook said.

"How about i sleep here tonight?" He continued, with that Taehyung calmed a little then nods, they settled themselves on Taehyungs bed as for Jungkooks surprise, Taehyung hugged him.
"Thank you for always being there for me, i love you my dongsaeng" and Taehyung let their nose brushing each other and drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too hyung, so much"


Taehyung woke up with swollen eyes trying to remember what happened last night, right his Girlfriend broke up with him, but he shrugged it off and went to the bathroom. He went downstairs smelling the sweet scent of strawberry pancakes, he went straight to the kitchen and found his kookie cooking, cute he thought.

He then back hugs the younger which made Jungkook surprised. "H-hyung" he said with a stutter. "Mmmm~, it smell so good just like you~" Taehyung teased. Jungkook who was nervous felt Taehyungs hot breath brush his neck down to his exposed collarbone made him shiver as hell. "Aish hyung! Just eat!".
With that they both eat with joy.


Being the third wheel isn't as easy as it goes especially when it's the person you loved is with someone, but the weird thing was, it's been only one week since Taehyungs break up. They were now eating inside a restaurant and jungkook was just watching the two with bitter expression. And Taehyung seems to noticed that.

"Kookie-ah, are you okay?"

"O-oh, yeah"

"Okey?" Taehyung said and got a spoon full from his food.

"Here baby try this"

"M-me!?" Jungkook asked a little bit confused and glanced at the girl in front of him. Who was glaring at him.


"Aish!! Hyung I'm not a baby anymore!!"

He shouted and took his leave, making Taehyung dumbfounded. The day went on and Taehyung immediately went home to check if Jungkook was still there, and yes he's still there sleeping on the sofa. Taehyung then leans to kiss the youngers nose like he always does. He sigh.

"If only you knew"


Taehyung was now walking with the girl he was before last week and it annoys him as hell, she's so noisy like a list chick, he didn't understand why he even date girls like her, do be exact he's not really attracted to girls but maybe it's only for his pass time. Because Maybe just maybe it will help him get away his feelings for Jungkook, he wanted to confess to him, he wanted to have him but as being the responsible 28 year old hyung, he didn't want to hurt his precious kookie, he's just 18 he's still young and he knows Jungkook needs to experience a lot of things he wanted to, he knows every plan of Jungkook and he was sure he wasn't in, and besides he wasn't that sure if the younger liked him back or he liked boys over girls but right now all Taehyung wanted was for jungkook to have a great future, doing the things he wants to, and be happy for the rest of his life, because it's his responsibility, Jungkook was his responsibility.

He got disturbed from his thoughts by his girlfriend who was talking and talking like an old mama pig.

"Hey!! are you even listening??!!"

"Y-yeah oh, yes"

"No you are NOT!!!

"What?! I said i am now calm your tits and just walk" Taehyung said bitterly but the girl just chuckled. Annoying af.

"Huh taehyung you're so funny"

"You think?" He said in a sarcastic way not even interested on the girls complement.

"Yeah" the girl simply said, so they walked, Taehyung thought it was already done and felt relief when suddenly the girl forced herself to kiss Taehyung which made his eyes go round, kiss does not really matter for Taehyung, He's not worried since he already got his first kiss from Jungkook when he was still taking care of him when he was little, but what worries him was he noticed a familiar figure watching them from afar and he knows who it is, he immediately pushed the girl and ran off following the guy who just left and was now running away.

"Yah! Jungkook!!"


"Stop running away!"

"What do you want?! Just go away!!"

"No!" Taehyung hugged Jungkook from behind as the younger was struggling to have its freedom like a bird inside a cage, "just..stay" Taehyung continued which made jungkook stop.

"Just please stay like this, with me". Taehyung faced jungkook, leaning in for a kiss which the younger accepted.


Taehyung woke up feeling the strong light of the sun hitting his face. Hot. he thought because of the thick blankets covering his naked body, he grinned as he remembered what happened last night, he slowly stretched his arms and notice Jungkook wasn't there on his side. "Maybe he's downstairs" and Taehyung went to the bathroom for a shower. He went downstairs as soon as he's done but didn't saw Jungkook, he looked everywhere, but found nothing, he texted him, called him several times, but got nothing. And that was the start of his miserable life.


A/N okay part 2 is done and i know this chap sucks so yeah idk ugh im running out of ideas. So byeeeeeeeeeee........

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