Chapter 1

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Amy's POV

It's early in the morning and I'm dropping with sweat. Yup, I've woken up from another nightmare thinking my dad was going to beat me.

I've had a rough childhood, people at school would tease me. When I left the house before or after school with scars, people look at me and move away as if I'm a danger to them.

The only person that's ever cared for me was my mum. Unfortunately, I witnessed her death, my father came home drunk and tried to stab me...mum jumped in front and got stabbed right in the chest.

Blood gushing out of her body creating a pool around her. The only thing I have left of her is a picture and a note saying how sorry she is for me having to live with an abusive, drunken man who I hate to call my father.

Being here at the orphanage is better than being at home. In my cell I have a small bed, a teddy, a CD player and a couple posters of my favourite band 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Considering I'm so young here (one of the youngest) I haven't got money to buy my own stuff so Janet (my friend who's 16) has taken me shopping with her a couple times and bought me what I have. As I kept thinking to myself I heard a buzz which is indicating the intercom to go off.

"Viewing starts in an hour, wake up, wash up, and sort yourselves out!" Boomed George's deep voice. He's not a morning person, mind you, he's just not a very nice person overall.

With a sigh I pulled the covers off of my body and climbed out and pulled out my bag of clothes from under my bed.

I got out a pair of pants, jeans, top and some socks. As I got dressed I realised I hadn't been for a shower, I couldn't be bothered to get in though because it's not like I'm going to get adopted anytime soon. I've been here for 2 years, yup I came here when I was 4.

When I sat back down on my bed I heard groaning from the other side of the room. "Janet wake up!" I sang whilst jumping on her bed.

"Viewers come soon!" I said with more excitement in my voice. I know I won't get adopted but I love talking to those who come, they're friendly.

"No Amy, let me sleep." She groaned pushing me off of her. I fell to the cold floor and jumped up and got under my covers again.

"Amy wake up." I started to wake up, I saw Janet in front of me with a smile on her face. "What?" Janet giggled.

"Look who's come in too see you." I looked at her confused. "They're not outside?" She shook her head. "They couldn't see you, so I woke you up so you can see them."

I yawned and sat up stretching. "You're lucky I woke you up and not Isabel." We both giggled whilst Janet pulled out of the bed and carried me to the guests. I closed my eyes, smiling feeling like I'm on top of the world when in stead I'm a couple feet higher.

"Hey you must be Amy." I heard one voice, I slowly opened my eyes to see 4 guys in front of me. When my vision came into focus I realised who they were and screamed jumping off of Janet's back and running to hug each of them.

"OMG! Janet it's 5 Seconds Of Summer!" I shouted jumping around making her laugh. "I know who they are, I've seen them on your wall for long enough." She gave me a funny smile and I laughed giving her a hug.

Just as I got out of her embrace the cell door opened and in marched Isabel. "Well, Janet you scrubbed up nicely."

She said inspecting her appearance. When she looked at me she frowned. "Oh Amy, what are we going to do with you? Look at what you're wearing!" She exclaimed making me feel bad.

I felt an arm around my shoulder. "Don't tell her that she can't wear what she's wearing! She's a child! Leave her be!" Janet shouted at her.

Isabel gave an evil smirk and looked back at me. "Amy you know what happens to girls who don't dress nicely." I frowned tears forming in my eyes as I clung to Janet's arm. "J-Janet?" Janet looked down at me. "Yea Hun?" I sniffed. "Don't let her take me!" I cried.

Janet pushed me behind her. "Don't worry Amy, she has to get through me first." I felt a smile on my face, but it quickly vanished as Janet was hit to the floor.

I screamed and kicked Isabel and ran to help Janet up, but Isabel grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the floor.

I felt arms pick me up under my armpit, I looked up to see Michael holding me in a tight hug making sure Isabel can't hurt me.

"I think we know who we're adopting." Michael said smiling whilst looking at me. I gasped. "You're going to adopt Janet? Oh Janet do you hear that? You're so lucky!" Janet giggled. "Amy, they want to adopt you." I froze. "M-me?"

The guys laughed looking at me. "Amy we want to become your dads." I looked at them a smile so wide that I never knew I could smile that wide.

"Are you guys going to be like my actual dad?" Janet sighed. "Amy, your dad was a messed up man, these guys look like they'll take great care of you, and I promise I'll keep in contact with you, you're like the sister I never got to meet." I smiled and nodded.

"Well hey, give me your number and then Amy can always talk to you on that." Calum said handing her his phone. She took it gladly and typed in her contact information.

"I'll miss having you here Amy, now go and live the life you deserve." I jumped down from Michael's arms, avoided Isabel and gave Janet a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll miss you more."

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