Part 28: Guilt「Takahiro」

Start from the beginning

"Yes?" The officer taps his pencil.

"He told me that Ita has been sick, and suddenly vanished. I think you should check him out."

Yuki....what the hell are you doing? Satoshi said Kazuo is a good suspect. Why was he defending Kazuo for?

"Ah I see. We will take a look at him. Any more information we should know?"

"Not now."

"Okay. Stay in town. We will contact you when needed."

Yuki stood up, and left the room. The officer next to me looks at me in an odd way. "Kid, I know you are still young, and this must be hard. However, please do let us know anything you know."

I nodded. "I would if I knew stuff. I'm not even friends with Ita."

"I see." He strokes his beard, and sighs. "This is crazy. You may leave."

I walked out the room, and saw Yuki already waiting for me. He smiles, and I just gave him a blank stare.


"Why didn't you tell them the truth about what Satoshi said?" I drove slowly.

"Because I'm scared of Kazuo."

"Well they would of caught him."

"No they wouldn't. Cops are idiots. They let you roam free until there is evidence. I don't want him to know that I told out information."

I guess Yuki had a good reason for not saying anything. I still thought that he should of. I just didn't understand this horrible situation I'm in.


That night I went out with my group of friends. Ai, Shoji, Ayumi, and even Reika was there. We sat at a restaurant, and chatted.

"The murders are crazy. I mean...intestines being taken out..." Ai makes gagging noises.

"Don't talk about that here when we are eating." Ayumi sighs.

"Are you okay?" Reika places her hand on my lap.

"Yeah." I didn't really notice my surroundings. I knew Yuki was with Chisa for some sort of movie night. It was good that he was hanging out, but at the same time I was worried for his sake.

"How's that roommate? Your cousin was it?" Ai stares at me.

"Fine. Have you found a girl yet?" I tried changing the subject.

"Nope. Any of you two want to date?" He chuckles.

"No thanks." Ayumi shoots.

"Ew." Reika laughed.

The crowd was chatting, but I didn't talk much. Too much on my mind.


We all left the restaurant, and Reika needed a ride home. I was the only one with a car so I offered to drive her.

"Can I use your bathroom?" She asked.


"Well your house is right here. Mine is a bit farther."

"Fine." I pulled up on my driveway, and she unbuckled her seatbelt. She quickly jumps on my side, and sat on my lap.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me just satisfy you." I felt her hand touching my crotch. I instantly got hard.

"Don't." I tried to stop her, but she was feisty.

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