Falcon Feathers (Chapter 22)

Start from the beginning

"Greetingss, little sspirit mastersss and Lady Unule, it is a pleassure to make your acquaintancce." It said.

"Hey" Will said waving.

"It's niccce to ssee you again Derek." I raised an eyebrow. (Again?) Alec looked from the beast to me looking confused. ("I'll explain later.") Alec nodded.

"What's your name?" Alec asked patting the creature's neck.

"I am called Tssskshliss Alsaksl" It siad simply.

"Tssskshliss Alsaksl?" Unule said with perfect pronunciation.

"Yess." Tssskshliss Alsaksl replied.

"Well I'm Angel Cross." Angel said.

"Will Andrew." said Will.

"Derek Sky." I said.

"And I'm Joelle Hex," Joelle said leaning on the doorframe with the grimoire in her hand. "I come out here to see what all the commotion is and I find that you all are goofing off playing the name game."

"Well you know you don't need to get your shorts in a bunch" Unatsi called from the kitchen.

"And you don't need to be in everyone's business" Will called chuckling.

"But its soo much fun!" Unatsi complained. Joelle just rolled her eyes.

"I'm Nala Pride," Nala said poking her head around Joelle. "Woah, who's that?"

"This is Axel" Alec said beaming. Axel turned his head to look at Alec. "Oh come on! How am I supposed to remember that? I'm only eight years old."

Axel sighed and, "As you wish."

"Well um, if you don't mind I'm going to get back to work. I suggest you all do the same." She said looking particularly at Will and Angel.

"Yeah, Joelle is right we should get to work on our training." Angel said and started heading off towards the trees.

"I'll help you!" Will said and walked after her.

"Don't forget your marks!" Unule called as she flitted over to them. She worked using both her left and right hands to mark both Will and Angel at once. She quickly finished and hurried over to Nala and marked her.

"Well now that everyone is off getting to work, I have to admit I have no idea how to train someone who doesn't have an avian guardian spirt." I said turning to Alec.

"What?" Alec asked.

"He means birds" Axel said.

"Oh" Alec said.

"Don't worry though, I just need to make a call and then we can get you started training," I said. "For now just get used to quickly turning your beast cloak off and on. Also get acquainted to Axel."

"Okay." Alec replied. He patted Axel on the back and slid down his tail to the ground landing on his feet. He grinned and looked up at his spirit.

(Something tells me he won't be doing much training.)

"You got that right."  I laughed as I went inside.

I went to my room and went into the bathroom. I filled the sink to the brim with water and muttered a quick scrying spell. Concentrating on the guild's meeting room. It the water went dark for a moment and I could hear muffled voices coming from the other side.

"William who's calling?" A female voice asked.

"Um just a moment the picture is still fuzzy," he said. Suddenly I could see William and Akita standing in the meeting room.

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