Falcon Feathers (Chapter 21)

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  • Dedicated to Anya Fasolyak

Hey everybody please give a warm welcome to the newest member of the Falcon Feathers Production team Anya!!!! She's my editor and proof reader so things will look alot more polished now!



Chapter 21


Derek's POV

I woke up in a cottage bed with a big fluffy comforter. I sat up and looked around the room. It was a small and cozy room furnished with oak furniture. There was a desk with a chair, a closet, a night stand, and a ceiling fan. As I inspected my new surroundings Joelle came out of the bathroom that was connected to my room. She had a tooth brush and toothpaste, a wash cloth, and a stick of deodorant in her hands.

"Good morning," she said with an ample ammount of energy, which was uncharacteristic of her.

"Uh, hey," I replied.

"I saw that you were starting to wake up so I went and got you these," she said and handed me the toiletries. I looked down at them and then back at her.

"You really didn't have to do that," I said.

"No one said you had to use them," she said and turned to walk out of the room.

"Joelle wait," I said. She stopped in the doorframe. "Look, I'm sorry. I really appreciate it." She ran in and hugged me tight.

"Just, promise me you won't go leaving like that again," she said, her words muffled by the fabric of my shirt. "Promise me."

"I promise," I replied.

"Don't you dare break that promise either--" she said, stalking to the door.

"Or I'll eat you," Pandora said from the bed. I started at seeing a fully grown panther laying on my bed.

"Pandora," Joelle sighed. "What did I tell you about climbing on furniture?" Pandora just stared at her, snorted and jumped down off of the bed.

After Joelle left, I took the time to take a shower to sort out everything that has been happening. As soon as I allowed my mind to wander all the memories came rushing at me in full force. My knees weakened and I nearly collapsed on the floor of the shower. (No, the time for wallowing in self pity is over. It's time for action.) I finished getting ready and found my way to the kitchen where I found the others minus one member sitting at the table.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey," they all said simultaneously. I was the first to break the awkward silence. No one was anxious to breach the touchy topic that was on all of our minds, but if there was ever a time to be a leader it was now.

"Where are we and how long was I out?"

"We are in a log cabin in up-state New York. You were out a week," Will said.

"They have log cabins in up-state New York?" I thought aloud.

"Babe it's New York, what don't they have?" answered Unatsi, who seemed to be the only one completely unfazed by the events of late.

"Where's Alec?" I asked, noticing his absence.

"He's still passed out in one of the other rooms," began Angel. "He is asleep now and his paralysis wore off a while ago, but it's like he's in a coma." I immediately thought back to our trip through the haunted house. (Total sense deprivation.)

"Unule could you get a window open in his room? I'll be right there," I said. "Anything interesting happen while I was out?"

"Uh, yeah something important," Nala said solemly. She took out the map and slid it along the table to me. I knew that something was off about the room. Everyone was somber and various shades of pale, not quite the Alec pale, but you get the picture. I unfurled the map. There were no more dots left.

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