Falcon Feathers (Chapter 18)

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Hey everybody. If you're reading this chapter then you already know what to do. [Author's note: Atsila is pronounced Ah jee lah. Unatsi = ooh nah jee] Alright you may begin.


Chapter 18


Derek's POV

"Ouch" I said as we hit the ground hard. Brushing myself off, I scanned our surroundings. We had landed a hundred yards from the rim of the Grand Canyon. There landscape was somewhat bland with sparse patches of grass, dirt everywhere, and rocks scattered across the ground. I turned to look at my friends who also were observing the scenery.

"So what are we looking for, and how do we find it?" Will asked.

"We are looking for a totem that is wrapped up in black chains. As for how to find it I'm still working on that" I said.

"So have I" Joelle said as she scratched her elbow.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah. From what I heard from Akita Moses choked you while he was holding the totem" she began.

"Well actually it was more like crushing my face but yeah."

"Most likely he was drawing power from it. Chances are that it messed with his head to." she said and shook her head. "Anyways since he was using magical energy, that means there will be residual. The residual would be left on the clothes you wore at the time. With that I might be able to fashion a tracking spell."

"This is all assuming that the other totems posses similar magical properties" Angel chimed in.

"Right." Joelle said.

"Well that's all well and good but, I changed clothes" I said.

"Did you changed shoes?" Nala said looking at my sneakers.

"No." I replied.

"That should be enough." Joelle said biting her lip. She chewed her lip in thought for a moment. "Give me the map."

"Ok." I said taking a step forward and handing her the map. 

"Ahani" she said and a black arrow that resembled a mouse on a computer appeared on the map. She crouched down clutching the map in one hand and waving the other over my shoes muttering magical words as she did so. She got up and look at the map and smiled.

"Did it work?" I asked.

"See for yourself" she said and held the map up for me to see. I gazed at the arrow that blinked on the page before me.

"So that will blink when we get close to it?" I asked. She nodded.

"Ok then, lets get going." Angel said as she picked up her bag. I gave the map back to Joelle and she took the lead. We walked for a while along the edge of the canyon in the afternoon sun. When we came to a large rock we stopped to rest.  I pulled out a water bottle.

"How close are we?" Nala asked

"The arrow has been blinking alot more now than it was before, so I think we're close" I said.

"We may be closer than you think" Joelle said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Look" she said pointing across the canyon. I looked at where she pointed and saw the air shimmer.

"Hide" Angel hissed, and we all took cover behind the boulder.

I peered out from behind the rock to see the seven who left school step out from the portal. I saw them all take stock of thier surroundings. Lance came into view as he stepped towards the edge of the canyon. He waved over a boy to him and told him something.

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