Falcon Feathers (Chapter 16)

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Chapter 16


Moses' POV

"C'mon Moses focus" Nala said as we caught our breath.

"God, I love Sundays" Will said as he sidestepped past Angel's spear. Sundays were special private training days for our group. We used today to get better at our teamwork and individual work. Usually we would pair off at random to spar with each other. Today was no exception.

"If you don't pay attention you could get hurt" she said.

"I can handle myself" I said and lunged at her with my fist extended. She jumped up to avoid the blow and came down with a heel kick. I extended my other arm and caught her foot. I swung her around and let go. She did a hand spring and landed on her feet.

"Now that is what I call focused", She said smiling," Water break".


Joelle's POV

"Alright, I do believe it is time we drew straws for the weekly featured fight" I said picking up six blades of grass. I turned around and cut two of them short.

"Pick" I said as I turned back around. We each took a blade of grass.

"Looks like I'm up" Derek said tossing his piece to the ground.

"Me too" I said walking a few paces away from the others.

"You ready?" Derek asked as he faced me.

"Am I ever not ready?" I replied hurling an orb of light at his face. He ducked and rolled to the side.

"Well that was hardly fair"  he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to stand still?" I said feigning innocence.

"Actually that'd be great" he said. Before I could reply the air around me started to pick up speed.

"A tornado? Really? Is that the best you can do?" I yelled throught the gale.

"No, but I'm a sucker for the basics. I could mix things up if you want" He said. He grabbed two handfulls of dirt and threw them at me. "Sandstorm".

"Typical" I sighed. (Might aswell start making a spell to get me out of here.)


Moses' POV

I sat on the picnic table where our stuff was. It was nice watching the Joelle and Derek spar. It's great for learning purposes. As I watched Joelle blow apart Derek's tornado, I felt my phone buzz. I looked at the caller I.D. It was from Lance. Meet me infront of the training fields immediately. I put my phone back in my pocket and looked around. I slid off the table and started heading away from our group.

"Where are you going?"

I whirled around to see Nala getting up from her seat on the ground.

"Uh, I have to check something" I said.

"Oh, well ok" she said and turned to go sit back down.

Once she turned away I started walking again. In a few minutes I was at the training fields. When I got there Lance was already there waiting for me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Come. We're having a meeting" he replied as he turned and started walking away.

"With who exactly?" I asked.

"Our associates of course" he said matter of factly.

(Our asociates?) "But this is the way to get to the other guild" I said.

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