Part 25: Vanish「Takahiro」

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" He says in excitement. He seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot. It was refreshing getting away from all the chaos in the city. Nature sure is peaceful.


That night I made a small campfire. Yuki was pretty skilled in the nature. More so that I was. He needed to help me prepare the tools in order to start a fire.

He sat, and started scaling the fish. His eyes were gleaming in the darkness of the fire.

"I want to catch a deer. It's my dream." He says as he scales away.

"But we don't have archery equipment." I sat, and watched him.

"I know. I just really enjoy the outdoors. I want to catch something more advance then a fucking fish." He finishes scaling, and tosses one fish on the pan.

"Maybe you can. Amaze me." I smirked.

"I will." He gets up, and stars walking towards the forest.

I wasn't sure what he was trying to do so I followed him carefully. It was dark, and I was scared to trip on some branch, and get splinters. That would be the absolute worst right now.

"I hear animals." Yuki whispered. "Do you want to bet that I can't catch something?"

"Huh no..." I knew Yuki was capable of anything, and I would easily lose that bet.

"Chicken." He chuckles lightly. "I hear it..." He begins walking slowly towards a tree.

"Dude lets go back." I heard howling which got me nervous.

"Relax, there are no wolves." He chuckles.

"Eh..." I kept a close distance.

Yuki suddenly starts sprinting at something that moved in the bushes. He was super quick, and I had to run to catch up to him.

"Gotcha!" He grabs the small animal, and swings it roughly on the nearby tree. The animal fell limp. It was a small rabbit.

My eyes widen at his brutality. Yuki paused as he held the dead rabbit in his hand. His eyes slightly looked back at me, and it flashed. He doesn't say anything for a second, and then he spoke. "Ah no.." He places the rabbit down.

"Yuki..." I went to place my hand on his back. I felt he thought of Oni, and that's why he stopped.

"I feel sad. This is why Oni left me." He sighs.

"This isn't your rabbit. Don't worry." I pat his back, and he nods.

"You're right." He lets out a sigh. "Shall we take this back?"

"No no it's okay." I didn't even want to see it being cooked.

"Ah okay." He begins walking back towards the campfire, and I followed behind.

Yuki sure is mysterious. I had many wonders about him. I still do.


We got home Monday night. It was super cold so we cuddled up in a blanket in front of the fireplace, and television.

"News report are still trying to find the culprit who has caused these crimes all over Japan." The lady on the news spoke. There were a couple murders in Japan with the same scenario. They would magically disappear or just be cut up to pieces. It started making me nervous being here.

"Uhg...." Yuki held his mouth, and went to the sink to puke. I guess he couldn't handle the harsh truth. Our world is disgusting.

"Yuki, are you okay?" I went to go to him. I rubbed his back as he puked the remaining waste out of his system.

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