"Who's your type then Mr. Picky?" A small laugh escapes his lips, the lips I so wanted to kiss right now. Why was I thinking about kissing Harry on the lips all the sudden? I needed to knock that thought out of my mind.

"A short, quirky, blonde that drives me absolutely fucking insane." Harry gets off the wall and walks away after his statement. It was easy to figure out that he was talking about me. I couldn't be his only type, I'm just one girl.

After a few seconds of realization, I finally decide that I wanted to be around other people now. Harry and I had spent thirty minutes alone in this hallway, but nothing had happened. Everyone else would probably think different.

When I walk back out, everyone is in separate groups again. Harry and Kendall with Zayn and Perrie. Then Louis, Clair, Sophia, Liam, and Niall were standing in the living room talking.

I walk over to my group of friends and familiar faces. "You keep on disappearing." Clair says, nudging me with her elbow. I roll my eyes at her childish ideas of what Harry and I were doing alone.

"Disappearing wasn't for anything fun." My voice sounded full of annoyance, probably because Clair automatically thought I was already back to Harry. I'd admit that he was a drug that I needed, but I'd also admit that I have quit cold turkey.

The group goes on with talking about whatever, while I just stare off into space, acting as if I was fully present. My mind was stuck on two things: my father and what Harry had said.

If he wasn't over me, then why bring a date tonight? He obviously had an idea of how it might hurt me and my still fragile heart. Of course seeing her arm around his lower back, with her head on his shoulder hurt me. But I'd never tell anyone.

He's allowing that poor Kendall girl to catch feelings for him, making me wish I could tell her how it all ends one day. It'll all end in flames for her as it did for me. I wish Harry would show some sort of emotion, but he never does when other are around. It's the same cold mood he always held.

We had been separated by a room, but I still felt as if there wasn't enough space dividing us. The air felt dense whenever he was around, making me feel totally lost when he was near.

Now that he has a new girl, he could make her go dizzy with his sweet talk and confusing moods. I wonder if Kendall has seen his happy moods to to angry in a second yet. She wouldn't know how to deal with it, I can tell by looking at her.

"Sarah?" Clair says my name, calling me back to reality. She has a somewhat worried look on her face, somehow she knows I'm not okay. It was the best friend telepathy we had that helped her realize Harry with a date was bothering me.

It only started to bother me after he had told me I was his only type. I felt bad for Kendall because she was practically nothing to him, but I also hoped she wouldn't last too long in his life. My thoughts were filled with hoping he'll love me again, but knowing we shouldn't do that train wreck again.

"What's up?" I finally respond to Clair, getting my mind back in order. She can tell I'm losing my mind, probably because I've been looking off into space for about ten minutes.

"You look lost." Clair whispers in my ear, so no one else in the group would notice what she was saying. Of course Clair would be the first to notice me looking a little upset, and this time I didn't mind her questioning me.

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