The End & The Note

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welp, this is the end...

*encourages self* don't cry! don't cry!

so, I'd like to thank everyone that's stuck through this story with me. thank you to naghree and Spectralx for leaving constant and amazingly funny comments. <3 love you.

I have editing plans (NicoAkira is helping me, thank you!!), not only to correct mistakes, but to make some chapters longer and to add foreshadowing to the epic ending, so I'd like to ask you for feedback. what did you like? what do you think should, or could, be better? is there anything I should definitely change? etc.

I will be writing bonuses too — not about Appel's & Leppa's future but about their past, and maybe chapters out of Leppa's POV if you want? if you have ideas, please put them in the comments ^_^

Now that's said, there's something else. I think most authors make a separate part for this, but I'm just going to say it...


Yes, you read that right. A sequel. It'll probably be short. Definitely not over 15-20 chapters. About the length of all books I've written so far. But I really want to write what Appel does to Leppa, because it'll follow up to the first ending. mwahahaha. your ships are crushed.

It definitely won't be released tomorrow, though. I need to develop my plot line, pre-write a few chapters, etc. (if you're a writer, you understand).

In the meantime, I'll be releasing a story I've written for my friend's birthday. I've already written everything so there should be regular updates to that: it's called "Knife's Cut" and it's romance with a bit of fantasy. so if you feel like reading that when it gets released, enjoy!

I guess that's all I have to say...

thanks for reading, once again,

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