XXIV. The Trust & The Dance

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Tomorrow, at 3:00 AppleHours.

I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait to teach these little idiots what it means to mess with me. Mr. Apletre as well...

He was still a figure of authority, and so, a form of respect for him was still present within me, but still. Betrayal was something I hated.


It was a few hours later, and it was also what yesterday I called tomorrow. It was the day we would fight, and it was the day we would win. Because yes, we would win. I was confident in Leppa, and I, well, I didn't really have confidence myself, but Leppa did. At least I hoped so. Because if he didn't, we were doomed; Leppa's confidence in me was the key to my success, and therefore our success.

"Appel, we need to hatch a plan."

"Wait, you haven't got one yet? I had faith in you!" I pouted.

"I know you're joking." And he was right, because I was joking. Yes, I had hoped that he had a plan, but I wasn't certain, no. I had learned not to trust people, and that went even for Leppa; although I was already trusting him. I just didn't like it — to trust people. It got me vulnerable, as they could easily betray me, reveal all secrets I ever told them...

But strangely I did not mind with Leppa. My reason screamed obscenities at me: that I was an idiot, a bullcrap spewing shithead, that I did not care about my own safety; but somehow I did not mind that either. I didn't give a bird's crap. I wasn't sure if ignoring my reason was really wise, or even safe; I mean, wasn't your reason the smart part of you, the one that kept you from getting killed? Wasn't reason what kept you from running into panic-worthy situations?

Somehow, I knew it was true; but somehow I also knew that this time, I had to ignore my reason and listen to what my heart was telling me: to trust Leppa.

"Appel, we really really need to think of something." His tone was pressing now.

"Think of something then!" I snapped, and immediately regretted it. "Sorry, I guess I'm kind of nervous."

"I'm nervous too," he said, "but we still need to think of something or else we won't have the opportunity to be nervous anymore."

I smiled and stretched a hand out to place on his arm — maybe it would have offered him comfort, even just a bit? But he shrunk back, evading my touch as if I was contagious of some disease. Hurt, I took my hand back and I saw that he regretted it.

"I'm sor-" he started, but I interrupted him.

"It's fine." And it really was fine. I understood why he wouldn't want me to touch him; after all, just a bit of time ago, I would've had the same reaction or worse. I prided myself in being quite understanding in such things, and in general too.

"So, what I thought about is that we could use the quest weapons. You have the bucket and the sword, don't you?"

"Yeah, and the hammer." I pulled all three items out of my pocket and laid them out on the grass in front of us. Mr. Apletre had kicked us out — I still could not believe it! — so we had to talk, sat on the grass.

"So you can take the sword and I'll take the hammer and the bucket."

"Fine by me."

Leppa motioned for me to get up and follow, and I complied. He walked towards a forest, or at least what looked like a forest: when we came closer, it turned out just to be a row of trees. Sitting down under it, he leaned back against the tree while I watched him.

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