IX. The Ritual & The Failure

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I took all the ingredients out of my pocket. There they were, my ticket to getting out of this madness. I was sure that once I told Mr. Apletre and the others what happens after an apple dies, they would find a way of getting me out of here.

The stem, the flower, the seeds and the wood. I smiled. Finally.

I started to look around for a place where I could perform the ritual. I needed a flat piece of land, with close to no grass on it. I couldn't have anything obstructing the power of the ritual.

I walked for a bit, over a few hills and valleys, encountering Trees, I even saw a pink creature from very far away, but ran and didn't get caught. I saw Trees that didn't have Apples on them, I saw Trees with flowers on them. I even walked past a big block out of wood. I suspected that pink creatures were living in it, so I ran away.

What are you doing now?! Leppa said, bored.

I'm just trying to find a place to do this ritual on. I tried not to scream, but it was hard.

Just turn around, he said.

I grudgingly looked behind me and saw the perfect place. I didn't know how it appeared, because I was sure that there was a big Tree in that place when I walked past it. It was a flat piece of land, without grass, just dirt and the occasional flower.

How did I walk past that?!

Well, someone may or may not have tweaked it...

What?! Who would have done that?! That must be magic.

It is magic, my dear Appel.

I decided to let it go and walked up to it and inspected the surroundings. Everything seemed perfect, so I decided to start the ritual.

Appel, you do know that if you go back to your world, I'll die?

How sad, I said sarcastically. Maybe not that sarcastically. Will you now shut up so I can start?

Alright then, if I'm going to be so sad and neglected...

I ignored his jokes and started. I found a stick on the ground and drew a triangle. I then placed the flower on one of the corners -

"What?! No!" The wind blew the flower away. I ran after it and could only catch it with the tip of my fingers.

Just place a stone on one of the petals. Leppa again with stupid advice.

That doesn't work.

I decided to place the flower last, and the wood first. When the wood touched the ground, it surprisingly didn't do anything. It just stayed where I put it, and didn't move.

What a piece of luck!

Shut up, Leppa.

The seeds were next. I had to find the centre of the triangle first, and believe me, that wasn't easy. I wanted the centre to be perfect, because Mr. Apletre had said that only one Apple stem could ruin the whole ritual. Apple Metrical instruments I did not have - but I had my mind, and I knew how to find the centre.

I traced a straight line, using the stem I hadn't placed yet, originating from each corner of the triangle. They all went together in the middle, and that was the centre for sure. I was certain of it.

What's the bet it's not?

He always had to ruin the perfect triumphal moments.

The seeds went in their little cubbyhole on the centre, and the next item was the stem. I placed it; until I realized that its end was encrusted with dirt.

"Crap," I swore. "That's probably going to ruin the ritual."
A debate went on in my mind whether to care about it or not, and whether it would wreck the ritual or not.

It probably will ah ah ah.

Dammit, Leppa! I just want this to end, alright?!

I slammed the stem on the dirt ground. Little bits of earth flew up, I was amazed at my own strength when I was mad.

The flower finally. The wind blew and blew, and I knew that it wouldn't stop. I held the flower in place, and doubted that the ritual would work.

"Now, the words," I said out loud.
I needed these to be said correctly.

"Dosilasolfamiredo, douronstuf, inocarabutu, iduntgivasinglefyqabutu," I recited.

I expected something impressive. A thunder strike maybe, or an explosion. At least a fire.

Did something happen? I heard Leppa yawning.

My eyes were round, I hoped at least, because that always looks good.

No, Leppa. Nothing happened, I said bitterly.

Not even a voice that said something. Nothing.

I stomped over the seeds. They would have been my most precious treasure, but I didn't care at that moment. I probably would have cared later, maybe even just a few Minutes away, but I just didn't care.

The flower was ripped to shreds like my hope was, the wood was left intact because I simply couldn't break it, and the stem broke in half. Only in half, yes.

"Did I do something wrong?" I muttered. "I can't possibly. I'm sure that I remember correctly."

Maybe I didn't remember correctly.
No, I must've.
What if I didn't?
I did for sure.

You did, Appel.

How do you know that?

Because...well, I went to the Small Apple Organization too, and I obviously have a better memory than you. The little things you did wrong? They would not have impacted the ritual at all.

I harrumphed. At least I now know that I did do everything right. I'm pretty sure Leppa would not lie to me like that.

Or would I, Appel?

That sounded like you winked.

I can't wink, I don't have a body. Anyway, don't evade my question. Would I lie to you?

You should be able to answer that.

No, you do. Ask yourself a simple question: would you, Appel, lie to me like that?

If I had a body in my mind, I would've opened my mouth, stayed silent, and then closed it again.

Because my answer was no.

No. I wouldn't lie to Leppa.


See, you answered your question. Now, the second question: why?

Again, I stayed silent.
Because I...I don't want you to think wrong stuff when I know better, I wanted to say in my mind. I hoped that Leppa couldn't read my thoughts. Because I don't want you to make a fool out of yourself.

Because I want you to trust me.

Hey people :)
Well, looks like Appel's only way out just failed ;-; but it's needed so that the story can continue ahah.
Any votes, comments, insults, opinions? I'd love to see them :) comment as well if you ship anyone.
Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Enjoy your life & don't die,

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