XXI. The Transfer & The New Look

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The world of Apple Lleh blurred before my eyes. Everything became red.
And suddenly, it changed.

It became a mossy green, and it was lighter too. It reminded me of one day, when I was happy for real.

Into the light, I whispered.

I heard birds chirping, the wind blowing through leaves, the usual sound of a living world.

"Am I alone, or alive?"

I did not know, but something, or someone, or just an intuition told me that I was alive, and that I wasn't alone. That there was someone next to me, in the same situation, asking for help and information.

So I opened my eyes. I did not realize that I had them closed.
The bright sunlight attacked my eyes and I wanted to close them, but I knew that I'd fall asleep again. And I didn't want that.

I leaned on my side and lifted my head up. The first thing I saw and really, fully perceived, was an Apple. It was lying there, eyes closed, sprawled out on the grass. It looked peaceful, but I wanted to know its name.

With quite a bit of difficulty, I stood and walked over to the Apple. I stared him in the face and jumped back.

"You... You look like me!" I screamed.

The Apple opened its eyes. "Hmm?"

Its eyes widened. "Wait, who are you?"

"M-My name is Appel," I stuttered.

"Mine's Leppa..."

"You, you, you, you aren't me!"

"Of course I'm not, I'm me, pshh! You aren't me either!"

He had my face, everything I knew about myself was replicated in him. The only difference were the eyes, his being two pools of dark matter. Mine, at least I hoped they were still, were little beads of brown. Also, he didn't have my name. His name was Leppa, same as the voice in my head. I wanted to ask Leppa - the voice - what he thought about this.


He didn't answer. Instead, the Apple next to me did. "Hmm?"

"You aren't Leppa!"

"Yes, I am! Why would I not be?"

"Leppa is the voice in my head. He can't become an Apple!"

"Of course he can, with Lady Savil's help..."

And then it hit me. Leppa had wished for a body in the World of Living Apples, so that he wouldn't have to stay in my head always.

Leppa had wished for a body in the World of Living Apples.

"Just by any chance, were you a Voice before, in the head of another Apple?"


"Was that Apple's name Appel?"

"I believe so?"

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