XXII. The Silence & The Talk

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Together, we walked towards the structure. We were both in our own thoughts, not talking, not a word slipping out. One would've called it an 'awkward silence', but no, it wasn't awkward. It was needed. We both needed to think, and we both didn't want to talk.

The silence was perfect until he broke it.

"What...what do you think they'll say?"

"A part of me hopes that they will welcome me with open arms, praising me for finding out something. But I know they won't do that, they never have liked me."

I didn't know what was pushing me to be so honest. I would never have told that to anyone - well, except Leppa, since I just told him.
I knew, not from own experience, but from others', that telling the truth to people isn't often the best option, especially if you suspect that they might betray you at some point.

And boy, did I suspect Leppa of betraying me at some point. I distrusted him, so why did I tell him that? I didn't like him that much...

If I'm being honest, I did enjoy his presence quite a bit. I...I would have felt quite lonely without him. And it wouldn't have felt the same with some other Apple, or even with Lady Savil.

It felt...good. It felt like a, like a pool of warmth growing in the space where I suspected my stomach to be. It felt like bubbles rising up through my body. It felt like a rush of heat, like the sun suddenly shined harder.

It felt like I wanted to be with him forever. I didn't know where that feeling came from. I didn't know what it meant. I just knew that in that case, I had to obey my instinct. My instinct told me to stay with that Apple as long as I could.

I stretched out my hand to grab his. Holding hands was considered a high form of affection, but, for some reason, I did not mind.

My fingers came closer to his. He flinched and pulled his hand away.

"Why? I want to hold your hand," I blurted out.

"I...I..." His eyes filled with tears.

"Don't cry, I won't hold your hand if you don't want to," I promised.

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and nodded.

"Let's just walk, alright?"


We walked in silence, listening to the chirping of birds and the wind in the leaves. It was late summer, and wind was starting to blow and cool the air down.

I rubbed my thumbs together, remembering the circle that Lady Savil traced on my hand with her thumb. I could almost still feel it, and I tried to scratch it away. It burned there, almost saying Hahaha, you'll never find the partner you want. I stuck my tongue out at it, and Leppa chuckled.

"What?" I must have frowned.

"You're funny, sticking out your tongue at your hand."

"Yeah, well, what can I say," I laughed.

He shrugged and went on walking in silence.

I went on too, but it became boring at some point, so I started talking.

"Don't you think we should get to know each other better?"

He hesitated, then answered: "Yeah. Why not. Do you want to start?"

"Nah, you start."

"Okay..." He thought for a second and then asked: "What season is your favourite?"

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