XIV. The Hammer & The Third Kick

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"Wait! Wait, Lady Savil! What is the next item?"

"A piece of sparkly stone. They are very sharp and can be used for the blade of a sword or the tip of an arrow," she replied.

"But you told me not to touch them!"

"Your problem."

I was outraged. And a bit frustrated too. What would I do? I wasn't allowed to touch the sparkly stone, but I had to get it for my quest!
I was close to crying. I had no keyhole to slip into. What was more important? Lady Savil's approval of my respect of the rules or my quest?

Leppa? Can you help me?

Alright, what do you need help for? He yawned.

How am I to get a piece of sparkly stone?

Break it. I mean you can't really do anything else to get it, no? A chuckle.

No, no, no! Stop playing stupid! I'm not allowed to touch it, but I'm supposed to get it for my quest!

I'd say you disregard the rules. It might just be a test.

Yeah, but if it's not a test, I'll probably get punished!

I'm ninety percent sure it's a test, Appel.

What if I'm in the ten percent that are left?!

Then you can punish me as well. However you want.

But how would I punish you? I have no control over you, you're a voice in my head! I can't touch you either!

Just do it, Appel. I promise that it's a test. If it's not I'll tell you a secret.


I was eager to know secrets. I loved secrets. I could use them against the person who told me that secret, I could use them against someone else, all in all, they were very useful.

I stepped up to a piece of sparkly stone lodged in the wall. I touched it. It was smooth and warm.

Plonk. My hand connected with the stone, and ricocheted off it.

"What the hell?!" I stared at my hand, then at the stone. "Is it so hard that I cannot break it?!"

Seems like it. Maybe you need a special tool to break it and pick up the shards.

I'll go back to the structure then.

But you were kicked out of it. I don't think you can really get back inside.

I don't care, Leppa. I need to complete this quest, even if it costs me my left arm.

You're right-handed, Appel.

Yeah...I guess it's true... Wait, how do you know that I'm right-handed?!

I know everything about you, Appel.

You're getting scary.

I wasn't too far from the structure, I could see it in the distance, so I walked towards it and enjoyed my undead life a bit. I looked in the sky, before I remembered that there were no clouds. I looked at the landscape. It was beautiful, except for the fact that it was burning red, and these pools of burning-red-liquid were laying around.

A few black souls were in my way, but I pulled out my Blazing Sword and beheaded them. Their head fell to the ground and I picked them up. I ended up with about four soul heads in my pocket. My arm was aching now; I wasn't used to physical activity as such. I stuck my sword back inside my pocket.

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