"Please hate me," She whispered, burying her head into his chest. He soothed her, rubbing up and down her arm. "I'm so sorry."

"I could never hate you," He said, her tears soaking into his tee, but he didn't care, "It'll be over soon, you won't have to fight forever, Lauren."

"Everytime I think we have a chance at a partially normal existence it all blows up in my face," Lauren mumbeled with a short laugh, "I'm just going to reserve judgement until whatever drama there is shows itself."

"That's a good idea," He laughed, gently stroking her hair while his head rested on hers.

Carl didn't care about anything else, just that in that moment, she ran into his arms.


The evening light was beginning to shine while everyone at Greenview continued their lives almost as if everything was normal. Known members of the Anti-Ethan group nodded as Lauren passed through the lobby, her hand curled around Carl's.

Lauren didn't feel the need to kill Ethan, she knew his humanity was almost non-existant, but could that change? Could he become a better person or was she being too naïve? He had offerend her a leading position, and that was something she didn't expect. He easily could have been toying with her mind but she was battling her inner demons as to what the wrong and right was. Could she pull the trigger if it came down to it?

"I feel like I'm caught in a Civil War," Lauren sighed, "I'm afraid too look at the wrong person."

"I'm not sure if I want you to be the distaction later," Carl frowned, "What if  something happens to you."

"Don't worry about me," Lauren shook her head, looking around to catch sight of Sam, "I'll be fine. You know I will. I'll be more worried about you, what if something goes wrong?"

"It'll be-" Carl abruptly cut off, his grip on Lauren's hand tightened ever so slightly and he turned her to face him. He brought her in close and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. She looked up at him, startled, until her eyes caught sight of Ethan who had stepped into the lobby. He haden't bothered to hide his staring as he watched Carl with a murderous glare.

"Carl," She scolded, squeezing his hand.

"You're mine," He said, Lauren resisted the urge to roll her eyes but a fire burned in her heart at his words. She wouldn't want to belong to anyone else. "Not his."

"I don't want you to cause trouble," Lauren looked up at him, a slight frown on her face. "Can you please keep it together for a few more hours?"

Sam had stepped into the room, exchanging a look with Lauren. It was her job to get Ethan into his room until Sam had got everything together down stairs. But that wouldn't be necessary.

Ethan started walking towards Carl and Lauren, a little faster than he should. Two guards split and began to close in from the sides. Carl backed up, pulling Lauren with him.

"What are you doing?" Lauren exclaimed to no answer, her heart thumped loudly in her chest as Ethan's loyals closed in on them. Lauren desperatly looked to Sam who shared a look of worry on her face. She left the room and Lauren cursed, hoping that she would set the plan into high-gear.

Forever Unfinished // Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now