Chapter 16

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Lauren woke when the cracks of sunlight began to colour the sky. She stayed, staring at the ceiling until she had prepared herself for the day. She knew it would be hard, and she had to be ready. She slipped out of bed, quietly slipping on her jacket and boots.

Carl haden't said anything yet so she assumed that he was asleep, or he just didn't want to talk. Lauren didn't blame him, he had come so far for her just to throw it back in his face. She was beginning to think that any relationship with Carl would be a long shot. Quietly, she walked towards the door.

Carl was sound asleep on the leather armchair, his head resting to the side, his left arm clutching his broken ribs. Lauren felt guilty looking at him, he had gone through so much the past couple of months and all of it was for her. She didn't deserve him. She decided to leave a note for him while she was gone.

Lauren took out a pen and paper and began to write. A feeling of déjà vu fell over her as she wrote while he was sleeping near her. Lauren felt the pang of guilt clutch at her heart. How could she have done that to him? How would she have reacted if it was the other way around?


I've gone to take care of everything, including Bennett. Please don't leave this room while I'm gone. It'll only cause us both more trouble.


Lauren sighed and folded up the slip of paper, dropping it onto his lap with some food for when he woke. She opened the door and slid out of the room.


"Blade," Shadow greeted as she stepped onto the roof of the highschool. Lauren did most of her watching from there. "We've got problems."

"Bennett?" Lauren asked, sighing. She knew she shouldn't have punched him, he could easily turn it round against her.

"Bennett," Shadow confirmed, nodding her head and offering Lauren a tight-lipped smile. "He has got together a small group of Blades that will stand against you. There isn't that many of them but they can cause trouble for you."

"Who's in his group and what happened in the last twenty-four hours that would take the fear out of them." Lauren rubbed her temples in frustration.

"I'm not sure," Shadow frowned. "They all had masks. Bennett has convinced them all that you are weak, something about that boy."

"What about him?" Lauren said through gritted teeth.

"That you'll never hurt him or let him get hurt. That he's your weakness." Shadow explained, biting her lip. "Is he the one you were calling out to every night in your sleep?"

"You can hear that?" Lauren asked and Shadow nodded. Lauren sighed deeply. "Yeah, we have quite a history."

"I think he's planning something," Shadow said suddenly, looking her leader in the eyes. Shadow always knew she wasn't entirely cold. "He wants blood, his blood. You can't show you care. They'll think you're an unfit leader and they will kill you."

Lauren nodded slowly, her head processing Shadow's words and what she had to do.
"I have to end this now."

"Be careful, Blade." Shadow said, sighing because she knew that Lauren would never head her warning.

"Call me Lauren."

"Then you can call me Ayana."

Forever Unfinished // Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now