Man's Decision (Pt. 2)

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This is part two to bieberprincess135 imagine, Man's Decision. Hope you guys like it!



Jason's P.O.V

It had been two months. Sixty-one days with talking to my baby. I don't know why I was dumb enough to let her go. Who cares if she was old enough to be my daughter, she still was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me.

She helped me in so many ways. I didn't realize how much I needed her before I lost her. 

"Jason!" I heard someone shout my name.

I looked upwards to see some of my members entering the basement. "What the hell do you guys want?" I growled placing the loaded gun onto the steel table. 

"We wanted to see if you wanted to go out. Get your mind of pretty little y/n." My main man stated. 

I shook my head and shooed them out before grabbing the extendo clip to the semi-automatic machine gun. "Come on, Jas-"

"I said get the fuck out! You're not my fucking friends. You're my members, my damn team. I will not associate myself with you fools." I spat while rising from my seat and storming over to the Linux desktop computer.

"Larry, I need you to track someone for me." I called out ignoring their undying stares. 

"Sure thing." He answered before walking over to me. "Name?" He asked grabbing his little white notebook. "Y/F/N , Y/L/N." I whispered causing a sigh from the guys in the back.

"We're not barging in on your little search party. But you need to lay low. If you haven't noticed your name has been on the radar sky high from that stunt you pulled two weeks ago. So get your shit together." I took in everything Mike had said.

"Leave." I hissed to the guys before placing a hand on Larry's shoulder. "

"Find her. Please." I whispered then I stood and collected my feelings before walking towards the exit. 


Lawrence: 3340 Hermit St. 

I sent him a quick reply saying thank you before starting up my vehicle. I thought about where Hermit street was. Ah, okay. 

Quickly I pulled out of the driveway to the warehouse and backed down the road til I was facing forward. 

Before I knew it I was about 3 blocks away from the address Larry had given me. I honestly didn't know the area, but I had been around here before. How did I remember being here? Well I think y/n had asked for me to bring her to one of the places around her.

Soon I was on Hermit street and at 3020. I noticed the numbers got higher as I drove forward. 3336. 3338. 3340. I smiled and parked across the street from the house. Just as I was about to get out of the car, two people walked from around back of the house.

The female had a wide smile planted on her face, while it looked as if the male was chuckling. I don't know. 

I stared at them for a couple of seconds before recognizing that dusky colored hair.

"Y/N." I whispered to myself. Why the hell was she coming from behind a house with some immature teenage boy. I clenched my teeth together and gripped the steering wheel with all my might. I couldn't bare to see her with another man. 

It took everything in me not to jump out of this car and shoot that fucker in the skull. 

I watched as they entered the home through the front door. Of course i'm not gonna leave. I'm waiting. Waiting til she comes out. Alone. 

A couple hours later I watched as y/n left the house with a simple purse on her shoulder.

I started up the car and waited til she got a little down the street before driving after her. I looked around to see if there was any human activity around before pulling up on her. She jumped and looked over at my car with wide eyes. Fear circulating off of her body. I opened the door slowly and put my foot out. 

She stood there staring as if to figure out who I was. I sighed and stood appearing in front of her. 

"Jason..." She breathed out as of relief. "Why'd you pull up on me like so psycho killer?" She asked.

"Because that's what I am." I mumbled looking at her. "Who was that..boy?" I questioned snarling slightly. She rose an eyebrow before gasping. 

"You mean Tyler?" She asked. I nodded and shrugged at the sametime. "He's my friend from school. He a little fruity if you know what I mean." She said giggling.

I chuckled softly and nodded. Thanking god for not bringing my nightmares true. "Anybody new?
" I asked hoping she knew what I was implying at. She shook her head no and looked towards my car.

"New car?" She whispered and I nodded causing her to frown. "What about betty?" I laughed and shook my head. 

"Betty was old sweetheart." I replied causing her to mewl with laughter.

"How did you find me?" Y/N asked tilting her head to the side. I sunk my teeth down into my lower lip and looked at her with that certain look. "Tracker?" She questioned causing me to nod. 

"So, uh you need a ride home?" I asked looking at her while scratching the back up my neck. 

"Mhm, if you don't mind." She whispered. I smiled brightly and walked back towards my car. "What the hell did you do, Jason?" She barked. I flinched and looked at her frowning.

"W-what do you mean? I didn't do anything. I promise." I rushed out not wanting her to just walk away from me. She shook her head and pointed to her neck. "Oh, you mean the tattoo?" I laughed. Her eyes widened and she looked at me as if I was the most dumbest person on this earth.

"Your precious neck..." She whispered walking over to me. It honestly looked as if she was going to cry as she launched herself into my arms. "I'm so sorry neck. I never would've let this happen." Y/N whined in the crook of my neck.

"Maybe if you give me another chance i'll stop. Cause' there's a lot of free space on my body." I whispered into her ear.

"Oh my gosh, i've missed you." She gushed before kissing my cheek and running to the passenger side of the car. "Aren't we going home?" She asked.

"We?" I questioned raising my eyebrows at her. She dug in her purse and pulled something out before showing me a gold key. "Yes, we. Silly." She laughed. I gasped and jumped into the car. "I love you so much, y/n." I cooed before leaning over and pressing my lips to hers.

"Love you too." She mumbled against my lips before wrapping her hands around my neck and deepening the kiss.


Part two sucked. But I promised there would be a part two. Don't hate me guys!

Request are open. Comment or message me for an imagine. 

New books coming soon.

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