Man's Decision (Pt. 1)

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This is an Jason McCann image about him and a underage girl for bieberprincess135. I hope you like it! Enjoy.


Y/N's P.O.V

I frowned as Jason seemed distant in our recent texts to eachother. His words were reduced to one word replies, and barely any pet names.

"Y/N, it's time to go." I heard a voice from beside me speak. I looked up and nodded before gathering all of my things together. 

"Class don't forget about this week's assignment." The classroom teacher hollered as everyone rushed out of the classroom.

I carried my things in my left arm and held my phone in my right. I felt my palm vibrate which meant Jason most likely texted back.

Big Daddy Jay: im here

I frowned and sent back a quick okay. I ran to my locker and quickly twisted the combination in. Without even thinking i threw the things that my arms were containing into the locker and snatched my purse up. I closed the door to my locker and pressed the lock down to where it clicked.

I felt my phone vibrate again, then again, and again. I hissed and ran down the hallway dodging people in my way.

By the time I had made it to the front of the school, and out of the building my phone had vibrated at least twenty times.

I scanned the area looking for the black camaro i've grown to know.

A smile made it's way onto my lips once I saw it down at the corner. I began walking fastly toward that direction not letting anyone get in my way.

Soon I was squatting into the seat of Jason's car.

"How was your day?" He rasped looking over at me. I noticed he had on a pair of sunglasses which was odd.

"Great!" I chirped smiling widely at him. He smiled softly and turned his head frontwards before starting up the car. "How about you Jase?" I asked looking over at him. 

"It's been alright." He mumbled looking over at me. 

I shrugged and looked down at my phone unlocking it. I smirked seeing 10 messages from Big Daddy Jay. "Y/N when we get home we need to talk..." Jason spoke up disrupting the silence. I felt a weary feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"About what?" I whispered turning my attention towards him. 

I could just see the nervousness radiating off of his body. He was practically shaking from all I could see. "Us." He grumbled.


I sighed and dropped my purse on the couch before sitting down. "What did we need to talk about?" I questioned looking over at Jason. 

"Look y/n... You're 17, and im 31." He began. "I love you, and you know this." I nodded and began gnawing at my bottom lip. I could see his eyes turning a light shade of pink as he kept talking. "Y/N what i'm trying to say is we can't be together." He hissed.

I felt as if my whole world had been shut down. What the hell did he mean?

My mind had went blank for a couple of seconds before I finally came back to my senses. 

"What do you mean by, we can't be together?" I questioned looking over at him. "Exactly what I said." He mumbled before raising his hand and wiping a couple of tears off of his face. Without even thinking I stood to my feet. I wanted to yell. To scream, and that's exactly what I did.

"How could you?" I barked. "I gave you everything! I loved you Jason, when noone else wanted to love your ass. You're a fucking criminal for god's sake. Who would loved you?" I spat.

He flinched and looked down to the ground.

"What is it? Sex? Is it cause' I won't let you tie me up, and make me your little sex toy? Huh?" I yelled. By now I was in tears also. He was now staring at me with anger evident on his face. "Or is it because you're so fucked up in the head you don't know how to except real love." I growled glaring at him.

That must've hit the nail on the head because now it was the other way around. He was now standing, fist clenched, nostrils flared, and hatred lingering in his pupils.

"You ever thought it was you?" He hissed. "Maybe you're the reason i'm trying to leave you. Maybe you're the reason this relationship is fucking trash!" I gasped and curled my top lip up. 

"You're the one that's the lunatic. You kill people for money, you dick!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

"Fuck you! I do this shit for us. For you! Who's the one who begged for every fucking pair of louis vuitton shoe there is? Weren't you the one practically praising me for giving you a wad of cash. I do it to make your ungrateful ass happy."

"What do you expect from me? I'm 17!" I yelled flailing my arms around.

"You're right! You're 17, you're a child. I'm a grown ass man. I don't know why I thought I could create a homely setting with your childish mind." He spat. I watched as he shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "I wasted two years with you..." He whispered to himself.

"Go pack your things. I'm taking you to your brothers." He grumbled before walking off. "And before you call me a lunatic, look at who decided to date this lunatic."

My heart shattered as every dawned upon me. It was really over. We were done. Two years in the trash, and most likely at the dump.

And just like that, I broke down. I screamed, and sobbed. 


I hope you like it! Part 2 is coming soon, and it'll be in Jason's P.O.V, i tried my best.

Request are open guys! Just message me or comment for an imagine.

New books coming.

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