Part 13: Job「Yuki」

Start from the beginning

I went to Takahiro's closet, and grabbed a hoodie, and left the apartment. I made sure to take the spare key, and cellphone with me. I thought to myself on where I wanted to go. The possibilities are endless. A light bulb sparked in my head. I could go job hunting. I wanted to pay back Takahiro for letting me stay. I couldn't go back home yet since I knew there was going to be a mess there. I am sure the police found out everything.

I started walking around towards the city. Hopefully a place is hiring so I can finally land a new job, and buy an apartment far from here. I didn't want to stay in this city anymore.

I passed by a lot of stores, and went to ask for an in-store application. I picked up a couple. I decided my final stop will be the bakery. I've always loved baking as a kid. I would be the top baker in my middle school, but I moved here so I lost all capabilities.

I entered the small bakery, and the delicious scent of bread filled my nostrils. I love this smell. I wish I can live here. The guy at the counter smiles, and waves. "Hey! Welcome to Koko Bakery, how may I help you?"

"Job application?"

"Sure! Just one moment." He rushes to the back. He seems overly happy. Maybe one day I cna be that way too.

The guy rushes out with a paper form, and hands it to me. "My name is Ita by the way. Tell me when you have any questions."

"I will. See you later."

"See you, and good luck!" He waves.

Before I got a chance to leave the bakery, the rain started pouring hard. Damn it, just my luck.

"Wow, talk about luck." Ita sighed. "Do you not have an umbrella?"

"I don't, but I can walk."

"Nonsense. I got a spare umbrella. Do you live around here by any chance?" He approaches me.

"Yeah sorta I do..."

"I can walk you home if you like. I know I am a total stranger, but we might become coworkers."

I nodded. "I hope so. I need a job bad."

"Oh? Then maybe I can recommend you. What is your name?"

"Yuki Kimoto." I bowed.

"Ah okay Yuki, you will have my good word. I can tell you aren't a people person. You need to be if you work here."

"I know. I just want to work in the back." I looked down.

"Well we are very well rounded. We don't have specific placements. You need to greet people too in a friendly manner."

"Ah I see. I am not good with that I guess."

"You remind me a lot of my best friend. He isn't much of a talker either." He looks off smiling.

"I remind a lot of people of someone apparently."

"Well I mean he has black hair, and wears black a lot. I guess the main difference is that he doesn't seem shy at all like you do." He chuckles.

"Oh yeah. I am awkward...I know."

"You don't need to be. If you get the job, I will train you. You may call me sensei."

"You're joking right?"

"Not at all!" He laughs.

"We will see about that."

"We will. My shift is about to end. When I am done, I can walk you okay?"

"Sure thing." I went to sit myself at a table. I watched Ita work on stacking the bread on top of one another. He was very precise in his stacking. I could tell he enjoyed his job. He would occasionally look over at me, and smile. He reminds me a lot of Koji. I felt a bit sad. Was I a bad person in the end?


"Yay my shift is done!" Ita stretched out his arms, and took his umbrella. "I already locked up so let's go. Please lead the way."

I started walking, and he followed next to me. This year is going to be a good year. I made a couple acquaintances already. That made me beyond happy.

"So Yuki, where do you go to school?"

"Sekai high school."

"Oh you don't go to my high school. Is it nice there?" He seemed rather interested compared to Takahiro.

"Well it's okay, but I hate the bitches, and fuckers there." I fisted.

"Wow you really remind me of my friend haha! That is something he would totally say."

"Is that a good thing? I feel that is a insult to your friend." I truthfully said.

"No, you guys are cool. I like you two. Maybe you guys should meet one day." He smiles.

I looked at the bag he was holding in his hand. He looks at me, and chuckles. "Oh this? I am bringing the leftover cheesecake for that friend. He has been so grumpy these days." His eyes showed signs of worry.

"What's wrong?"

Ita looked around to make sure no one was looking. He began whispering to me. "His boyfriend is crazy."

A gay relationship?! I didn't know why that surprised me. I guess I am not the only one.


He frowns. "He clearly just uses him for sex. I just try to support him since his boyfriend has been his crush since forever. Sometimes he is selfish. He doesn't want me to have a girlfriend because he doesn't want to lose me as a friend. He is so silly."

"I don't blame him. You're nice." I looked away, and blushed. What is going on with me?

"I try to be nice." He blushes.

"You do everything for him?"

"Yeah. He is my best friend. I will do anything to make him happy, even if it means supporting his relationship."

I took a breath, and asked. "Do you like him?"

"Well I like him as a friend." He chuckles softly.

"Right. I think you are lying." I looked up at him.

His face gets red, and he laughs nervously. "Well I mean...I don't know."

"Hey Yuki." Takahiro was escorting a girl out his apartment. Her wavy hair was messy, and his shirt was slightly unbuttoned. I could tell they had just done business.


Ita looked at me. "Oh is this your roommate?"

"Yeah. Thanks for walking me. I hope I get the job." I bowed at him.

"Oh I will try my hardest. Have a good evening!" He smiles. He looks over at Takahiro, and bowed, and then left.

The girl had already left before I could take a good glimpse of her.

"Your fuck toy?" I asked, not really caring about his disgusting wants.

"I guess. The mixer was fun. Met a lot of hot girls. You should come next time."

"No thanks."

"Who was that guy?"

"Some guy that works at a bakery I am applying to. I am trying to get a job."

"Hmm come in." He leads me inside, and I followed him inside.

"I will pay you back." I looked up at him.

"Well it's okay. You don't need to. I am glad to see you made a new friend."

"Yeah." I looked down blushing. My chest was beating a bit faster. Ita is pretty charming. I am appealed to his personality.

Takahiro gave me a disturbed look, and walked away. "Yuki, you can eat the leftover food I brought from the mixer." He goes in his room, and shuts the door. Takahiro wasn't the most interesting guy. Sometimes I wished he was more friendly with me. He barely says much, and all he does is ask dumb things. Sometimes I felt that it is me that is making him so lousy.

I couldn't focus on Takahiro right now. I had a ton of applications I wanted to fill out. Time to get to work.

To Be Continued

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