Chapter Thirty Three

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To my beloved readers, I just want to clarify things over here. It just happened that some of my followers sends me a DM on my twitter account asking questions such as 'what happens next?', 'How did Eleanor met James?' , 'what's with Chapter 34?'.

Now, for those of you who were asking questions like that, if you really got my novel, you wouldn't be badgering me on my twitter account asking what happens next, am I right?.

So, if you really got my novel and was reading it, please find the answers for your questions by yourselves. And one more thing!, for you who's asking what's with chapter 34, as far as I know, I haven't published chapter 34 yet but I will soon.

That's all!. :)

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Eleanor's POV

"Where are we going?."

"You'll see." says James.

Eating a burger here inside his car, w'ere currently on our way to somewhere. I don't know where are we heading to. All I know is that we're going to the place he said once to me. I remembered him asking me if I could take a roam around the whole.... And that's only it. He cut of his sentence, realizing that he's already spilling some beans to me.

"You know what. I should really keep on asking you where are we heading to."

"Just fimish that burger or else you're going to throw up later."

"Throw up?.." I huffed. "...why would I going to throw up?."

"You really keep on spilling the beans on me, Eleanor. Could you please stay with your burger until we get in there?."

"Whatevs, Remeo." I mumble.

After an hour or so, we finally reached the place. Oh gosh, look at those high rides, those dying roller coasters!. Those extreme rides!. "Admiring the place?."

I looked at him. "You're such a little tricky mouse. Now if you don't mind, I'll head inside now."

He took a steps forward, reaching for my hand and intertwining it with his. "We'll going to have fun like a little kid today."

"Sounds great. Well then let's start now."

We entered the theme park and my eyes glitter in the view of the rides. Too many crowd but it's the fact that makes the whole park be the exciting place on earth. My eyes automatically landed on the roller coaster. "James.." I mumble, not getting my eyes off of the coaster, pulling the end of his shirt.

"Hmm?." He followed my gaze and I heard him cursed under his breath. "No way we're going to ride in there."

I nod my head, wide grin spread along my face. "Yes we are. And we have to get to the line."

I grab his hand but he's still enough for me to push him through. "I-I'm thirsty." what?.

I gave him a look but he just shrugged?. Did I just feel him shaking?. Oh fudge, this will be a lot of fun. "You're thirsty or shaking?." he snapped his head at me, giving me that- No I'm not! -look. I nearly laughed but sucessfuly contained myself from it. "Let's go there,..." he said, pointing into the food shop. "...maybe we could buy some water or soda in there.".

Okay, I'll let you pass this time, Anderson. We make our way into the shop and inside. A boy in navy blue uniform gave us a smile over the counter. "Hi!." he greeted. "Hi." I answered back. James looks at the food board as he chooses what to buy for us.

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