Chapter Seventeen

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Here's chapter seventeen, guys. Hope you'll like it. Enjoy!.


Eleanor's POV

"How's it?" Mark asked while looking at me. We're here inside of seven eleven.

Mark want to stay in the ice cream shop but i refuse cause its so cold in there. Mark treat me this strawberry ice cream. He treat me, well, he should. I should be sleeping now but he called me and told me to come here. Tsk. If only you're not my best friend.

"Good. Want to try it?" I said then i'm in the act of offering him my strawberry ice cream. He smiled at me. "Oh. Thank you." He said then in the act of reaching for my ice cream but i quickly distance my ice cream in his hands. He looked at me with puzzled expression.

"I thought you'll let me try yours?" He asked holding his-already-melting chocolate ice cream. I licked my ice cream. "Buy yours" i said as i put the glasses on the bridge of my nose.

"Tsk. Silly nerd." He murmur. "What'd you say?" I asked narrowing my eyes into him. He shook his head as if he said nothing. "What?. I didn't say anything." He said then he licked into his ice cream.

I shook my head in his childishness. Suddenly my phone rings in my pocket. Mark look at me with questioning look. I fished my phone in my pocket only to see James calling. Oh noes. Mark is here.

"Are you just gonna stare on your phone?" Mark said beside me. I smiled at him-nervously. "Wait me here. I just need to answer this." I said then i stand up and head in the junk food sections. I hit answer.

"Hey. Are you still up?" James asked thru the other line.

A smiled made its way on my lips. His voice was so angelic but also sounds hot at the same time. Hehe. He's checking on me.

"Yes." I said as i watch my ice cream slowly melting.

"Are you free tomorrow?" James said. Holly books!. Why is he asking if i'm free tomorrow?!?.

I gulp. Hard. "Yes. Why?" I asked while i already feeling the butterflies in my stomach.

"Let's have lunch together. Tomorrow." Holly molly! James really knows how to make me smile. A giggle escaped my mouth. Oh no!. He might hear that. Please. Don't.

"Are you giggling?" He asked amusement evident in his tone.

"What?. n-n-no.." I said trying to save myself from this. I hear him chuckle on the other line.

"Eleanor, I clearly heard you giggled. No need to be shy at all. I like to hear you laugh, to hear you chuckle, giggle. I like and i love you just the way you are." He said.

I flushed red. Then i giggled. "So, you okay with tomorrow?" .

I nodded even thou he doesn't sees me. "Yes." I said smiling while looking at the junk food like a crazy nerd. "Okay, by--" he said but i immediately cuts him off.

"James!" I said fearing that he already ended the call, but he didn't.

"Yes?" He said.

This is it. This is my first step. You can do this Eleanor Collins!. Just say it!.

"Goodnight." I said then i heard him chuckle.

"Goodnight. I Love you." HOLY MOTHER OF PENGUINS!. i was only expecting a goodnight too but...

But he also said I LOVE YOU!!!.

I was like a total crazy nerd jumping in the corner of the wall. "Very happy, huh?" A voice said making me stopped by jumping.

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