Chapter 29

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Kibum's POV

It's been a few days since I had to talk to the police about my father. I'm kinda sad my father's being arrested....I did love him. And he loved me I think.

"Sorry about your father Kibum," some girls say as I pass them in the hall. "But if he really did abuse you he deserved it. He shouldn't have done that. It's not fair or nice."

"I'll be fine. I'm being taken care. Really good care," I smile at them and continue walking.


I turn around and see the one person I didn't want to see at all, Song Taesung, my bully.


"I'm sorry," Taesung says placing on my shoulder. "For being mean to you. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Y-yes. Could you get other people to stop teasing me and beating me up?" I ask looking down.

"Yeah sure," Taesung says and cautiously pats my back, clearly trying to avoid any of the several bruises on my back.

I look at him and smile a little. "Thanks. I've uh, it hurts in many places on my back to the slightest touch. You seemed to mean to avoid the bruises."

"Oh. Yeah. You're welcome," Taesung says.

I start to walk to my classroom. I sit at my usual seat and get my notebook and sparkly pink pen out.


I turn to see Jonghyun standing at the door.

He looks like he got his butt kicked. I wonder if he's okay? Well either way he deserved it for doing that to me!

"Are you okay?" I ask as Jonghyun takes his seat next to me.

"Yeah. Me and my brother got into it. Are you alright though? Do you have a place to stay since your father was arrested?" Jonghyun asks.

Why does it seem like Jonghyun is two people? God this puppy I swear!

"Yeah. I'm staying with Onew and Ms. Lee," I say.

"Okay. If not I would've talked to my best friend's parents and see if you could stay with them," Jonghyun says giving me a smile.

God it hurt. You could see how much it hurt him to smile and it hurt. Minho walks into the room with some of two other athletes; a basketball player and a track runner; and they all freeze and stare at Jonghyun, Minho glaring at him.

"How'd you get your hair styled a different way so quickly?" the basketball player asks and I roll my eyes.


"Forget that. How did you get from by the office to here so quickly? And how'd you get so beat up in less than a couple minutes?" the track runner asks.

Minho and Jonghyun seem to share a mental conversation before Minho's glare lightens.

I stare at them confused until the teacher and a boy that is a striking image of Jonghyun, except he wasn't beat up and didn't look like he just rolled out of bed and through on a uniform, walks in. He locks eyes with me and smirks.

I gasp. No! It can't be! That smirk looks like my father's. Oh god! I need to get to the restroom! Images of my father's last beating and how bloody I was and that smirk fill my head and I start to feel the urge to throw up and try to maneuver out of the desk. When I did finally get out of the desk I ran to the door, the teacher yelling at me to sit back down.

To late...

I grab the trash can next to the door and started to throw up anything that was in my stomach. I feel a hand on my back and from the corner of my eye that stupid smirk as I start to stop puking.

"Just because your father's gone doesn't mean the abuse is over. I spent a lot of time with your father. I actually liked him and that says a lot. I promised him I'd made your life hell for him," he hisses in my ear lowly.

His hand is removed and an arm is snakes around my stomach, a bruised arm, and a hand on my back. I'm lead to the bathroom right before puking again. After I finish, Jonghyun takes me to the sink as Minho walks in with a worried look.

Minho makes Jonghyun sit down since helping me is clearly taking a lot of energy from him and starts to calm my shaking form.

"What'd he say to you?" Minho asks sternly.

"He said he'd start where my father left off. That the torture I went through isn't over," I say shaking.

"I won't let him!" Jonghyun says, anger dripping from his voice.

"Jjong, clearly you can't take your brother alone. But I know understand why you had a sudden change of attitude towards Key after he was kidnapped. Because it wasn't you. It was him," Minho says.

Jonghyun looks down and sighs. "I know."

I push Minho away and yell, "You two treat me like a child! Quit babying me! Yay he can hit but he can't make my life worse than it already is! Do you two not see!? I'm already broken with little chance of getting fixed! So what's the point of sheltering me now?! You didn't shelter me from my father! So what's the point now!? There isn't!"

Tears start to fall from my eyes and I start to make my way to my classroom when someone pulls me into their chest, Onew. He was running late this morning so it's no surprise that he didn't hear my outburst on his way to our class.

"There is all points in protecting you Key," Onew whispers and I cling into his chest and cry.

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