Chapter 4

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I show Jonghyun his classes and we finally get to English, which is right before lunch.

We walk in and Jonghyun talks to the teacher.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. His name is Kim Jonghyun. Treat him well," the teacher says.

Jonghyun bows and makes his way to my table.

The door opens and a very sweaty Minho walks in.

"Sorry I'm late. Coach caught me on the way here and asked for some help," Minho exhales handing the teacher a note.

"I believe you Minho, just have a seat."

Minho nods and makes his way towards me and Jonghyun.

"What'd I miss?" Minho asks.

"Just the teacher introducing Jonghyun," I say handing Minho a bottle of water.

"Thanks," Minho says taking the water.

"Okay class, since we've gotten a lot of new students we're just gonna do a review," the teacher says and passes out papers. "Oh and before I forget, as most of you already know, I am an exchange teacher from America. A group of my English students while be coming here to see how you all are doing with your English for two weeks after your winter break."

Oh yay. I think as the teacher hands me my paper.

I carefully write the letters to the words.

After I finish I watch Jonghyun and Minho until the bell rings signaling lunch.

We walk into the lunchroom and spot Taemin sucking on banana milk.

"Hey Taemin," I say.

"Hey hyungs," Taemin says.

"Hey Taeminnie," Minho says.

I sit down and look at Taemin. "You seem extremely happy."

"My parents are taking me to America for Christmas break. I'm so excited," Taemin cheers.

"Good for you," I say. "I hope you have fun."

"Are you going anywhere for break?" Taemin asks.

"No. I'm spending it the same as last year and the year before that," I say dredging the end of school tomorrow since break starts after tomorrow.

"I'm gonna go to Tokyo for a track meet," Minho says.

"Oh really? With or without the team," I ask.

"Without. Coach was bragging about his top athlete and they want me to run at that meet," Minho says.

"Oh, well that sounds cool," Taemin says. "What about you Jonghyun?"

"Oh well I'm probably just gonna help my parents unpack everything. It's all still in boxes."

"Oh okay," Taemin says taking my banana milk.

"Yah!" I say.

I love you for you (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz