Chapter 27

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Onew's POV

I start to get mixed emotions about Key's father. I hate him nonetheless, but hearing that, I feel like Key thought his father had good reasons to do things like that to him.

"Key, you're father might have acting like a real father a few times but he still abused you," I say.

"I know," Key says. "But he made me feel like he Reay did care."

"I know. Hey let's go get some breakfast. I'm starving," I say getting up.

"Of course you're starving," Key says rolling his eyes and standing up and grabbing my hand as we leave my room.

Kibum's POV

"When I drove by the Kim Mansion yesterday after school, there were cop cars all over the front yard. I stopped and asked my brother what happened and he told me that Mr. Kim was being arrested for abuse," Nari says.

"Well it's about damn time!" a familiar voice says.

"Eunseo?" I whisper as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Quiet down. My son and his boyfriend are trying to sleep baby," Nari says.

"You're mom's a lesbian?" I ask.

"Yeah. Her girlfriend is very sweet. You'll love her," Onew says bright red.

We walk into the kitchen and Onew greets his mother who was cooking.

"Key, this is-" Nari starts.

"Eunseo!" I say and hug her tightly. "I've missed you so much."

"Hey Kibummie," Eunseo says hugging me back. "You're not as little as you used to be."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Onew and Nari ask.

"This boy is family. When I said it was about damn time that Mr. Kim got attested I meant it," Eunseo says. "You wanna know why I don't own anything that ties?"

"You're finally gonna tell me?" Nari says.

"His father had me tie him when he was six years old and watch as he nearly beat him to death," Eunseo says. "Six years old, Nari. Six. He deserves to put to prison. His father let one of the maids rape Kibum when he was five."

"Really?" Onew asks.

"And he watched," Eunseo says.

"That's sick!" Onew spits.

"Jinki!" Nari says.

"He's right," Eunseo says and sits me down. "Kibum, we need to have a serious talk though."

"Okay, " I say and Eunseo tucks a blonde band behind my ear.

"Me and your father's mom were talking, since it was originally your mom's family's wealth that if you don't want to deal with it since of what your father did to you it'd go back to who it originally was supposed to go to," Eunseo says. "I let your mother have it because she was more responsible. And your grandmother say it's your choice of whether it stays the Kim's wealth or the Kwon's wealth again."

"I don't want it! I don't want to end up like my father since the power went to his head!" I say.

"That wasn't what happened with your father," Eunseo says and kneels down in front of me. "But the Kim family will respect your decision. Your Grandma Kim says she'll make them. She also said she wished she could have saved you from the abuse your father gave you but she didn't know he did it."

"He hid everything so well," I say.

"I know. I'm gonna take you to see your grandmother during the summer because she wants to see you,"

"Oh," I say.

Eunseo pats my legs and stands up. "Your name's been all over the news Bummie. 'Fifteen year old Kim Kibum was kidnapped one night while walking home' 'Fifteen year old Kim Kibum appears at fifteen year old Choi Minho's house with seventeen year old Lee Jinki' 'Coach Choi Yunkyum to have found several bruises, cuts, rope burns, and burns on fifteen year old Kim Kibum' and the last one I saw and read 'Mr. Kim is under suspension to have abused his fifteen year old son Kim Kibum. All of Mr. Kim's maids, butlers, gardeners, and resigned maid; Kwon Eunseo; will all be investigated on the matter as well as the victim and any of his friends' you'd thing people would know your age by now Bum."

"Yeah. You'd think," I giggle.

"Hey, if you'll be investigated, shouldn't you be at your house?" Onew asks.

"They called me. I told them to find me here," Eunseo says.


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