Chapter 25

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Major life change guys. I'm a lesbian now. My girlfriend talked me into writing this again. You can thank _Toxic_Dreamer_ for the continue of this story. I love you my little readers.

Key's POV

When the rain stops I get Onew home and back in bed.

"Onew, you shouldn't have come since you're still sick," I say.

"Yes but I was worried about you," Onew says.

"Onew," I start softly. "You shouldn't have gotten out of bed and went to get me. You could've gotten even sicker. And I was fine."

"Then what's this?" Onew asks and places his hand under my cheek causing me to wince. "You weren't as fine as you say you were."

I wrap my fingers around his wrist and close my eyes. Onew wraps his other arm around my waist and pulls me into bed.

"Onew," I say.

"Shh. Just sleep. Okay?" Onew says.

"Okay," I say and snuggle into Onew's chest.

Onew begins to the stroke my blond hair and sings.

"Hush my Kibum please don't cry. Jinki's here, you'll be alright. Close your eyes, let sleep surround you. Let the only thing you hear is the sound of this song," Onew sings softly and calmly. "Hush my Kibum please don't cry. Jinki's here, you'll be alright. Close your eyes, let sleep surround you. Let the only thing you hear is the sound of this song."

Sorry guys. I know it was short. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. Or as my girlfriend says, "Merry Christmas my little dreamers."

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