Chapter 26

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Kibum's POV
Kibum's Dream (He's like 6)

I run as fast as I can. My breathing is fast, my heart pounding, and my body aching.

"Kim Kibum! Come back here!" my father shouts.

I continue to run but soon my father grabs my wrist and yanks me back to the mansion.

"Pease father. I'm sorry. Please don't beat me again. I'm sorry father," I plead.

"Shut up!" my father demands and I quiet myself. My father turns around and kneels down to my height and tightens his grop. "You tried to run away. Do you know what happens when little boys try to run away?" I shake my head and he continues. "They get punished! And you're gonna get a punishment you won't forget."

My father throws me over his shoulder and carries me back to the mansion. When we get back to the mansion, he doesn't take me to my room like he usually does. Instead he takes me to a room that's never used.

The room was empty. Except for a chair in the middle of the room, rope, scarf, cloth, a bottle with clear liquid, and tape.

I start to shake my head rapidly and tears fall from my eyes. My father plops me into the chair and glares at me.

"Please father. I promise to be a good boy. I promise. I promise."

"Key, wake up. Key, wake up. Key, wake up."

End of dream

I wake up with tears streaming down my face and Onew shaking me repeating the last three words from my dream. I cling to Onew's chest as he starts rubbing my back.

"Shh Key. It was just a dream. You're alright," Onew coos.

"It wasn't just a dream. It was one of my father's punishments. From when I was six," I cry.

"What happened?" Onew asks.


I ran as fast as I could. My breathing was fast, my heart pounded, and my body ached.

"Kim Kibum! Come back here!" my father shouted.

I continued to run but soon my father grabbed my wrist and yanked me back to the mansion.

"Pease father. I'm sorry. Please don't beat me again. I'm sorry father," I pleaded.

"Shut up!" my father demanded and I quieted myself. My father turned around and kneeled down to my height and tightened his grip. "You tried to run away. Do you know what happens when little boys try to run away?" I shook my head and he continued. "They get punished! And you're gonna get a punishment you won't forget."

My father threw me over his shoulder and carried me back to the mansion. When we get back to the mansion, he didn't take me to my room like he usually did. Instead he took me to a room that's never used.

The room was empty. Except for a chair in the middle of the room, rope, scarf, cloth, a bottle with clear liquid, and tape.

I started to shake my head rapidly and tears fell from my eyes. My father plopped me into the chair and glared at me.

"Please father. I promise to be a good boy. I promise. I promise." I pleaded.

My father slapped me across the face really hard and yelled, "Shut up! Eunseo, come here!"

Soon Eunseo scrambled into the room. "Y-yes sir?"

"Tie him up! And gag him!" my father demanded.

"B-but sir," Eunseo said.

My father slapped Eunseo, knocking her to the ground. "I said do it! Come get me when you're done!" Then he left.

I ran to Eunseo and helped her sit up. "Are you alright?"

Eunseo smiled at me. "That man can never break me Bummie." She moved some of my brown hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. "I really wish I didn't have to be the one to do this to you. But he wants you to hate me so I stopped being so nice to you."

"I could never hate you Eunseo. You're the only one who loves me anymore," I said.

"I know," Eunseo smiled sadly at me. "We better get you tied up like your father wants or he may punish you twice as bad."

I nodded. Before she could get up, I crawled onto her lap and kissed her cheek. "I love you too Eunseo."

Eunseo stood up, picked me up and sat me down in the chair. She grabbed the rope and started tying me to the chair, only tight enough so I couldn't move. She grabbed the cloth and scarf and gently placed the cloth in my mouth and tied the scarf around my mouth.

"I'm really sorry Bummie," Eunseo said with tears in her eyes.

She left the room and then my father came in and two of my father's friends were dragging Eunseo back into the room.

My father started to beat me and Eunseo was screaming at him telling him to stop. I was bloody when Eunseo screamed something that froze my father.

"You're wife, my cousin and best friend, would never approve of you beating her only son like this! You and I both know she'd stop you like I want to!"

My father stopped and mumbled something to his friends and they pushed Eunseo towards me then walked out. Eunseo started to untie and then cradled me in her arms.

"Thank you Eunseo. You always stop him when I'm reaching my peak of tolerance," I said and passed out.

End of flashback

"Eunseo was fired a year later and no one was there to stop my father. But I noticed that even without Eunseo there he seemed to stop at when I was at the most I could tolerate. And three months after Eunseo was fired, before bed he would kiss my cheek and say he loved me in a meaningful way and when he would say he loved me he had this emotion in his eyes that made me believe it was true. And on Christmas and my birthdays he'd sit down with me the entire day and play or hang out with me. And whenever I was sick, he took care of me. But other than bed, my birthday, Christmas, or if I was sick, he'd abuse me. But those occasions when he didn't, I would smile and laugh with him because he showed me he loved me, his only son."

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