Chapter Three- SHIELD isn't just armor

Start from the beginning

"It's fine. I'll take care of that. It's asking a lot out of you, but the only other option is for you to go to a lab to be studied and I frankily think that's a waste of talent. But it's your choice."

I didn't know what to say. How could I be one of Earth's mightiest heroes?

Then again, I did not want to be studied, tested, pooked or prodded.

"Wait, so you throw a knife at me, and then offer me a spot on your super elite team of heroes?" I questioned tentitively.

"I did let Stark join. I apologize, by the way. The way you were semi-transparent set me off. I thought you might have been a hologram.

"Apology accepted, then."

"Will you join the team?" He stuck out his hand.

"Only until we save my dad," I promised, shaking his hand.


"Avengers, meet the newest teammate, Lyla Davidson," Fury annonced.

"Well, I did not see that coming..." Clint admitted. One of the guys, with blonde hair, handed Tony a ten dollar bill.

"Hi..." I waved awkwardly.

"Next time I expect you 5 to stay out of the secruity room. You were supposed to be in training," Fury warned. "And try to be nice to her. She's young, but you all better treat her like you'd treat her like you would anyone else."

And with that, Fury left me with the Avengers.

"Hypocrite. He threw a knife at you," Tony rolled his eyes.

No one else talked much after that.

"Well, this is awkard..." I finally said after 5 minutees of awkward silence.

"So, how old are you exactly?" The blonde who gave Tony a ten earlier asked.

"I'm 14..." I answered.

"You know what? Let's play the name game. I'm Steve. Nice to meet you Lyla," Steve annouced.

"Steve, are you a teenage girl?" Tony snickered. I laughed along too.

"My name's Natasha. You've already met Clint," Natasha rolled her eyes, playing along.

"And I'm Bruce. Welcome to the Avengers."

I smiled even though it was awkward.

"You're Captain America, aren't you Steve? And Bruce, you're the Hulk. And Natasha's the Black Widow, and Clint's Hawkeye!" I grinned, knowing each of the heroes' identities.

"You've looked into us, huh?" Steve guessed.

"Of course! You're all any one of my friends will talk about!" I told them excitedly. "This is wicked awesome!"

"You talk like you're from Boston, but you say you're from New York. Are you trying to mess with us?" Natasha glared at me suspicously.

"I had to move away after my mom died, okay?" I replied defensively.

"So, training? Sounds like fun. Do I get to punch stuff?"


"AH!" I grunted, swinging my fist towards Natasha. She quickly grabbed my wrist and flung me to the floor.

"Damn, you're good at this," I rubbed my neck, picking myself of off the floor.

"Are you sure you don't want to stop? We've gone 19 times now..." She reminded me.

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